Like Cheap Cinder Block

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In the aftermath of the Obergefell decision, the kultursmog churned out by our media elites has been thick enough to cut into 8 inch high sections for use as cheap cinder blocks. Cinder block is what the new sexual utopia is going to be built out of, lit up at night by those gaudy rainbow lights, which is, come to find out, cheaper than paint. Of course, whenever the sun is up we will have to deal with life in bunkers made out of cinder block, cut from rancid kultursmog. But you can’t have everything.

For those who do not fancy such an existence, and don’t like how enthusiastically the future is being promised to you, I would like to take a moment to sketch out three lies that are being told you, lies you should take care to hold in derision.

The first lie is that there has been a “sea change” in American public opinion, and that all this tumult around us is the result of that sea change. This is not even close to being true. This has been a power play to establish such a sea change; it is in no way the result of it.

Teams that bite, kick, gouge, and otherwise cheat, and which buy all the refs for a tidy little sum beforehand, are not teams that are confident of winning in the ordinary way. A national definition of marriage decided by Anthony Kennedy and a national definition of marriage decided by a national referendum would be two decidedly different things. Scalia was right to point out how profoundly undemocratic the decision was.

If you are feeling helpless about all of this, here is something you can do and it will help establish this point I am making. The Fourth of July is this coming Saturday. I want to suggest that everyone take a few moments to do one or both of the following things. On the Fourth, send out a Tweet of a photo of the American flag at half mast, with the hash tag #SCOTUSShameHalfMast4th. You can also send out a Tweet of a photo with the American flag upside down, a sign of distress, with the hash tag #LordHaveMercy.


Dollars to donuts, if something like that started to trend, the honchos at Twitter would exercise their prerogative as a private company to not let it trend — you bigots. They would do this in support of their agenda, but it must be marked that their agenda does not just include same sex mirage. Their agenda includes making everyone think that opposition to same sex mirage is anemic. Creating that illusion is part of the battle, and is a central part of their campaign of disinformation. Our response should be organized and disciplined outrage that seeks out an outlet of expression they didn’t anticipate. An outlet that stops short of burning down the White House, which I would regard as quite unnecessary.

The second lie regards the myth of inevitable progressivism. This is what lies behind — in both senses of “lies behind” — the idea of being on the “right side of history.” Two things. First, I would rather be on the right side of Heaven than the right side of history. Second, since progressivism has no possible eschatology other than the heat death of the cosmos, there is no such thing as the right side of history for them. In the real world being on the right side of history means not going to Hell, and this would, it seems to me, exclude sodomizing people.


But progressives like to pretend that history has an arc, and that they somehow know what it is, and that Christians are on the wrong side of that arc. They want to pretend that certain things “just are” inevitable, but this is maintained by nothing other than bombast. It is worth noting that when groups have cultivated the myth of their own necessary victory, they generally don’t take defeats and reverses very well at all — even tiny reverses. Think about what tiny Grenada did to the myth of inevitable Soviet expansion.

The cultural revolution we are dealing with has taken several routes. One was the open revolution of Lenin, which was eventually toppled by Reagan. The other was the “long march through the institutions” advocated by Gramsci, which has not yet been toppled by anybody. But both forms of revolution wanted to exude an aura of invincibility, of inevitability. The former was the evil of Mordor, the latter is the rot of Gondor. But both want you simply to give up the fight. Chesterton is apropos, as always. “The one perfectly divine thing, the one glimpse of God’s paradise given on earth, is to fight a losing battle – and not lose it.”

The third lie is that it is possible for men to plant Canada thistle and reap wheat or barley. God is not mocked — what a man sows will determine what a man reaps. Returning to the first point, to say that the American people did not want this travesty jammed down their throats is not to say that the world would somehow change its nature if they did want it. A vote by a democratic majority would not make water run uphill any more than Anthony Kennedy’s vote will do so. The world is the way God made it, and will stubbornly continue to remain that way.

This should be heartening, exhilarating. In the long run, stupidity never works. For example, summon a national referendum in Greece, and put “hard cold math facts” on the ballot. Say that 85% of the people voted against hard math, and only 30% voted for it. Would math care?

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9 years ago

“Our response should be organized and disciplined outrage…”

It is refreshing to finally hear someone willing to say Christians should be outraged. I am so sick of our evangelical overlords who lecture us not to be outraged at this decision. We all know who they are. But is God not outraged at America’s rejection of His purpose and design for marriage? Is He not incensed at our wicked rebellion? Our own godly outrage at this decision is and should be an extension of God’s character and image in us.

9 years ago
Reply to  AMA

I’ve gone back and forth on this, as far as to what degree if any we should push back in this so called “culture war,” but in the past week or so I’ve realized something that has really simplified the issue for me, which is that the vast majority of the gay rights activists are violent. What I mean by this is that they support anti-discrimination laws, which is fundamentally a threat of imprisonment or death for those who disagree with them and who act accordingly. The purpose of a debate is to persuade someone, to get them to voluntarily… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Well said, Ben. The homosexual rights movement is not the fluffy, feel-good movement portrayed in popular media. It is a movement whose goal is the forced legitimization of a behavior deemed by God to be an abomination. Shame on those evangelical leaders who are misleading thousands by advocating a half-baked response to this issue. Yes, we should keep the gospel at the forefront. But the prophets of the Old Testament frequently expressed outrage and anger at the corporate sins of the people of Israel and Judah. Of course, their godly outrage was always followed by a reiteration of the hope… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  AMA

Good points all… but part of the likely (half-baked) rebuttal on the part of some evangelical leaders might be along the lines that the modern analog of Israel and Judah is not the US or any other nation-state, but rather the church. If this abomination was occurring in the evangelical church (disregard the increasingly heretical and irrelevant mainline “churches”), then outrage and anger would indeed be called for. We are called to be a city on a hill, a spiritual light, not to demand the darkness overcome itself. The murder of the innocent unborn is another matter, of course. Relevant… Read more »

David Trounce
9 years ago
Reply to  jesuguru

Jesuguru, good point. Jesus’ is outrage was directed at the people of God when he trashed the temple. So to Moses, Elijah and John the Baptist. Our outrage should be over the thing we are wanting to defend in order to kep it pure, namely the church and the kingdom, for this is where our citizenship is. America is not the kingdom. By analogy it is Ninevah or Canaan. So, we have two possible responses. We are to call them to repentance – to escape the burning building they are currently living in. If they will not hear, then we… Read more »

9 years ago

First day back at the gubmint skool. Parents and yellow dump trucks abandoning children on the skool’s gum-stained steps. Bearded man wearing clown suit and rainbow flag cape waving a sign: “Welcome, class. LGBT values taught here.” Exhilarating, yes, but what do you think? Is it over the top? Sincerely.

9 years ago
Reply to  Art

Did that really happen, with the rainbow clown?

9 years ago
Reply to  Art

Art, I’m sorry was this your experience upon returning to public school?

9 years ago

Keep in mind, they have most of the government schools in board to indoctrinate the next generation. They have the borders to bring in as many non Americans as possible and to enslave them to the system as potential votes. This is not nothing.

Jack Bradley
Jack Bradley
9 years ago

So very Amen, brother. Keep preachin’ it!

Jess R. Monnette
Jess R. Monnette
9 years ago

Second to last paragraph, first sentence, missing the word “not.”

Benjamin Bowman
9 years ago

To be on the right side of Christ is to be on the right side of History. “He is the author…”

9 years ago

How does one answer the assertion that the homogamy thing doesn’t matter because we as Americans have already eviscerated the practice of marriage by means of no-fault divorce and the philosophy of marriage as a contract, rather than a covenant?

Does one attempt further defense of marriage, or does one go with the “It’s not about the marriage per se, it’s about the tactics they used to force it on us?”

9 years ago
Reply to  ArwenB


2 + 2 = 5 is bad arithmetic

2 + zebra = carrots is not arithmetic

9 years ago
Reply to  RFB

Beyond that, the soiling and despoiling of a principle or an institution does not render principles/institutions as “the bad things”.

God is true, even when all men are liars.

9 years ago
Reply to  RFB

Thank you, that is very helpful.

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
9 years ago
Reply to  ArwenB

If defending the evicersted practice of marriage is unpalatable then I suggest heralding the resurection of marriage.

9 years ago

It’s not a matter of the defense being “unpalatable”.

It is a matter of not knowing what defense to use.

9 years ago

Thank you, Doug. This encouraged me.

9 years ago


With one minor quibble:

I would rather be on the right side of Heaven than the right side of history.

Since a) the victors write the history books, and b) God wins, aren’t those the same things?

9 years ago

Yeah, the last few chapters of Revelation show who will be on the right side of history.

Jane Dunsworth
Jane Dunsworth
9 years ago

In reality, yes. But “right side of history” is a current catchphrase meaning “in with the cool kids.” Or, more properly, the uncool are being tagged as “on the wrong side of history” by silly people who think that history has a direction of its own.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jane Dunsworth

I understand. But just as the attempt of the sexually confused/rebellious to misappropriate the rainbow falls flat because it is GOD’S symbol, not theirs, the “right side of history” is defined by the Author of history, not by current cultural phrase catchers.

I simply refuse to agree with their claim that 2 + 2 = 5.

9 years ago

“For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!’ I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered. I liked white better,’ I said. White!’ he sneered. ‘It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken.’ In which case it is no longer white,’ said I. ‘And he that breaks a thing to find out what… Read more »

9 years ago

Say that 85% of the people voted against hard math, and only 30% voted for it. Would math care?

So I had to read this twice. Then smile. Well played!

9 years ago

Point 1: you must be joking. Point 2: sort of true. More like the arc of history bends toward justice, but it occasionally snaps back pretty hard for a time, especially following a crisis (“crisis” as in mass famine, not “crisis” as in gay marriage). But, and I know this is in vain, please drop the conspiracy theories about Gramscian marches. Loony loony loony. Point 3: yeah, which is why all the boohooing about democracy is beside the point. No one actually cares about democracy where questions of fairness or equality are concerned. Right or wrong, gay marriage supporters view… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Matt

You prove the impetus of the lie of point #1 by your argument to point #3:

“No one actually cares about democracy where questions of fairness or equality are concerned.”

Are you that self unaware?

Or maybe you’re joking.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tom©

I’m afraid I don’t follow. Whether democracy is relevant or not has nothing to do with whether democracy would be effective. Or in other words, if gay marriage is the world destroying abomination righties think it is, then it wouldn’t much matter whether it had 100% approval or not.

That said, anyone who can’t recognize the massive cultural victory achieved by the pro-Ssm camp is just kidding themselves. Get real righties

9 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Of course I recognize the political victory, but don’t kid yourself. That flickering light in the distance is not the dawn of a new day.

9 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Matt, I don’t question that support for SSM is at an all time high. However, until last week, 34 states had bans on it, and those bans came from a popular vote, unlike the recent SCOTUS ruling. The average Joe is not like Doug Wilson on this issue. He’s also not ready to purchase his tickets to next year’s gay pride parade. I honestly think most people would like the gays to be placated, so that everyone can get back to business as usual. That’s not really support for a particular side. And push come to shove, most parents don’t… Read more »

Dave Jones
Dave Jones
9 years ago

“same sex mirage”… You’ve coined a new phrase (and a good one too).

9 years ago

I agree with about 90% of what you write. However in the case of your “first lie” I think you are wrong. I am 34 years old and have friends from all over the country in every age group. I realize this is anecdotal but in my experience the majority of people support the normalization of homosexuality. This is especially true of people my age and younger. Just because the majority of states had illegalized state endorsed sexual perversion by popular vote does not mean the majority of our population supports those laws. Even if you can point to polls… Read more »