Letters Fall From Above Like Lizards From Trees in a Florida Cold Snap

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The Truckers


” The body they may kill , God’s truth abideth still.”

In a few hours, the Lord willing, we will gather in large numbers to cheer a local convoy on their way back from Ottawa.

We will party and have fun and hopefully do lots of singing!

Thanks so much for your encouraging words.


Jess, good work.

Reading “Tin Soldiers and Trudeau’s Coming”, you make the comment: ‘Why anyone would now keep their money in a Canadian bank is beyond me.’.

This got me thinking, with so many large financial institutions cracking down on people they don’t like, in the US and abroad, do you know of any Reformed banks or credit unions? The only vaguely Christian credit unions I have found are either tied to membership in a specific non-denom church, require a profession against election, or in the case of Christian Community Credit Union, are so accepting as to be meaningless (Apparently Baptists, Presbyterians, and Jehovah’s Witnesses are all the same!). CCCU’s weak creedal standards are disappointing because they self-insure to avoid being beholden to the federal government.

I’m hoping I’m just looking in the wrong place and there exists such a thing as a sane Christian credit union that holds to the Nicene Creed that I haven’t found yet. If not, perhaps you could consider starting the CREC Credit Union? (I’m too far from a CREC church to be a member, so please base membership on creedal standards if you do this)

If you print this, please withhold my last name and sign it:

James in Virginia

James, good idea. One barrier would be finding the people with the commitment and competence to do this. The other would be dealing with all the regulations that would prohibit being biblical. What we need is Christian crypto, with servers on the moon.

“Providence has decreed that the hapless representative of the entire global ruling class will be Justin Trudeau. They stand or fall with him.” I’m not so sure I buy this specific assertion. I think Trudeau is just a puppet of a more sinister cabal (Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc.), and as he has now proven himself to be an inept liability, they will let him dangle at the end of the rope he has hung himself with until his legs stop jerking. He may have caused their designs a hiccup, but I believe that’s all it is at present.

I don’t think a trucker convoy, as heroic and admirable as it is with all of its groundswell of support, will dissuade these puppet-masters. I think it will take something far greater and far more serious, because I think the aforementioned folks are a) serious about their evil goals, b) not petulant, spoiled brats as was Trudeau, but instead patient enough to bide their time, and c) have the resources to make a good go of it.


Guymon, I don’t differ with you about their intentions and designs. But I still think the Lord from heaven laughs, and holds them in derision.

Re: Tin Soldiers and Trudeau’s coming Pastor Doug,

Yes and amen to this post. However, I can’t quite get myself to the belief that Trudeau and Commie horde’s grip on control is as loose as you say. I say this because even though the transgressions continue to multiply (the Commies continually “taking the bait” and pushing too far), we still seem to be at a small percentage of the population willing to do what the brave truckers in Canada are doing. Or in another instance, even with election funny business here in the US there were still enough Biden voters to make it possible for him to “win”.

I read Lewis’ “Men Without Chests” over the weekend, and it seems to me that is what we have been producing in western societies for decades now. Have we reached the point where the share of the population who even desire freedom is just too low to make a difference?

I still have hope and know that whatever happens Christ is King, but the temptation to despair is overwhelming at times.


Matt, even in generations when the “men are men,” these sorts of situations have to build up to a boiling point. I don’t think we are seeing anything unusual in that regard.

Is College Necessary?

Greetings and thank you for all your labors.

So the woodchipper wrote a tweet recently about how unnecessary it is for well-educated in high school Christian women to attend college. Those are prime child-bearing years. The implication is that Logos high school becomes the new NSA, the kids get married after high school, and then the husband gets a job while attending NSA to further his education, with the wife perhaps taking a few online courses as she can. What say ye to this new vision of Christian culture in the 21st century?


Tyler, I understand the sentiment because of what egghead professionals have done to what used to be higher education. But I still believe that the level of education that your daughters attain will roughly be the level that your grandsons attain. But this can be done without marrying “late.” We see it happening routinely here in Moscow.

Witchcraft or Not

I have a simple question that may require a more complex answer. When do things like “essential oils” and other homeopathic medical approaches become witchcraft?


Vernon, that’s a shrewd question. It becomes overt witchcraft when you might expect, when it veers into spells and charms and such. But it becomes witchcraft of the heart when the person doing it doesn’t care whether or not it is witchcraft.

The Name of Christ

I’ve been led by friends to study the origin of the name as we know it “Jesus.” I’m concerned! I want to respect my Savior to call Him by His right name, but I struggle that Yahshua does not “feel” or “sound” as my native tongue or knowledge. Besides, I will encounter His Hebrew name far less than Jesus. I do not want to worship the son of Zeus. Please advise


Jamela, Scripture does not teach us to care about that sort of thing. The name Joshua in the Old Testament was the equivalent of Jesus in the New, but the writers of the New Testament didn’t use Joshua, or Yahshua. They used Yesoos, which we render as Jesus, and all perfectly fine.

The leadership at my church invited 9 Marks to do a two month Sunday session and to preach. 9 Marks has been vocal in condemning churches for meeting during COVID and supporting, even marching with, the Marxist movement Black Lives Matter. I just moved here four months ago and there are only three churches and I have been attending this one. Is this a pretty serious “red flag” about the church’s position on important ethical and doctrinal issues?


Luke, it is a possible red flag, worth asking about. But I wouldn’t treat something like that as an automatic disqualifier.

Unity Issues

Do you see a connection between the unity described by David in Psalm 133 and the kind of unity described, for example, in Ezra 4:3? As far as I understand, the phrase in Ezra (“we ourselves together”) is the same word used by David in Psalm 133 (yachad). Also, it appears to most often be translated as “together” in many other passages.

In other words, do you see an aspect of exclusivity in the concept of biblical unity?


Guymon, yes. True Christian unity among the sheep cannot be maintained if we are admitting wolves.

Seminary Question

I’ve recently submitted to my desire to go to seminary and begin a life dedicated to kingdom work. You have been a huge inspiration to me in showing that Christianity doesn’t have to be soft to the degree that it lets sin slide in order to not offend. I am fully aware we are at war with the world like never before and the church in the est is losing ground. I’m ready to put the armor on and fight the lost for the lost. I’m looking for a seminary that isn’t ashamed of being in the fight for biblical truth, and where I could find mentors like you to guide me in this process. Thank you for your online ministry, it is such a breath of biblical fresh air.

May Christ contine to bless you in your work,


Matt, I think you should check out Greyfriars Hall.

Christians and Faith Films

I have a question which I feel could warrant a full-blown blog post perhaps better than a short response. But I’ll leave that up to you.

My question is briefly: How should Christians approach media that depicts stories from the Bible, and specifically The Chosen series? It seems that there are several dangers at least: The primary being that such media (watching The Chosen) is a legitimate replacement for actual biblical study. Secondly, is it not presumptuous on a grand scale to believe that you can present “the authentic Jesus” as The Chosen openly proclaims to do? Not only do they claim this, they add much to Scripture that may be hard to differentiate for someone less-than ideally familiar with their Bible. And really, it seems that no Christian ought to show it to a nonbeliever as a evangelizing tool, since the unbeliever will have no category for separating what the show depicts versus what the Bible teaches. It makes up all sorts of story lines about characters that are simply not true and not in the Bible. And some of the shows teachings really are eyebrow-raising at best and blasphemous at worst, from changing the four friends of the paralytic to a lady for what looks to be “inclusive-ness” to having Jesus sermon-prep before preaching. (If the apostles would know in the moment by the Holy Spirit what they ought to say, how much more would Christ?)

This is merely the problems within the show itself, but there are plenty of other issues with the production. The director, Dallas Jenkins, (son of the Left Behind author) has openly claimed that Mormons worship and love “the same Jesus” as Christians, and works closely with a number of them on the project. The Jerusalem set used in the show is owned by Mormons. In fact, Angel Studios, the fundraising company, hosts a number of Mormon projects and has advertisement videos for the company created by well-known Mormons such as the old Studio C cast. VidAngel, another one of its close partners, is a Mormon company.

It seems that the Mormons have far too much influence in this project, and desire to blur the line between themselves and traditional Christianity through the Chosen. The more I look into this the more it looks to be almost entirely controlled by the Mormon church, and the creator of the series is at best woefully too undiscerning to be heading up this project, and at worst a straight-up heretic.

Another part of the reason this concerns me is that N.D. Wilson and the gang are partnered with Angel Studios as well to produce the Riot and the Dance. Again, what is the best way to approach all this from a Christian perspective? We don’t want to look like we’re on the same page with the Mormons, but we also can’t shun all connections with unbelievers. I feel like this could be dangerous and become a major stumbling block down the line.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for all the rambling.


Jonathan, you raise a lot of good questions about The Chosen, and I am in general agreement when it comes to Second Commandment issues. But if it is not a portrayal of Christ Himself, I don’t have a problem with depictions of other biblical characters like Abraham or David. It is true that an ignorant viewer might assume that something was in the Bible because he saw it in the movie, but it is also true that experienced Bible readers might learn something new, that really is in the text. As far as the Mormon influence goes, I am in a position to report that they have no control over content decisions when it comes to The Riot and the Dance. I don’t know about Jenkins though.

The Singularity

Perhaps you or your staff have heard of the concept of an AI singularity. It ma essentially a concept in which man creates a self improving artificial intelligence which snowballs into super intelligence. The theory behind this is fairly sound, about as sound as Moores Law. After hearing discussions of the man as the Image of God it appears some think it may mean intelligence or capability is the distinguishing trait for man as the image of God. I do not know your position on the Image of God. Could you discuss any theological implications of this singularity and man. Is it just a tool? Is it blasphemous or an abomination? Is it some kind of idol or worse?


Thalen, I think it is an intellectual idol that is not going to happen. The image of God includes intelligence, certainly, but there are many intelligent creatures that were not created in the image of God (seraphim, cherubim, archangels, angels, etc.) I believe that mankind has a unique capacity to be united to God in Christ, and that in its totality is the image of God.

The Commons

In one of your plodcasts, you stated that you were going through “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis. I found the link and registered, but as I had never read the book, I first wanted to educate myself. However, I now cannot find the site again. Can you please be so kind as to help me locate it? I love your weekly podcasts and would enjoy listening to you talk about the book. Respectfully,


Renee, here you go.

The Temptation of Eisegesis

In a recent Ask Doug video, “The Unseen Realm?”, you said “Reformed people need to learn how to not be embarrassed by the Bible. Cosmological issues are wonderful proving ground for that. Does the Bible plainly teach a global flood? Why, yes it does. Does the Bible plainly teach that there’s a council of the gods? Yes, it does. And when you start affirming things that the Bible plainly teaches, that’s good practice. Those are spiritual push-ups.” Further, you mentioned that there are times when a liberal theologian is to be trusted over an evangelical. Paraphrasing, saying that Evangelicals are more likely to push the teachings of this ancient text into modernist categories.

I then found this comment on YouTube to be helpful (a rare thing indeed):

“Someone who affirms Scriptural Inerrancy is (rightly) bound to affirm what the Bible says as true. But that then may lead them to color what they believe the Bible is saying by what they already think is true. “Of course this passage should be interpreted to mean X, because X is true and the Bible is inerrant so of course it must align with what I ‘know’ (believe) to be true!”.”

My question then is, how far do we take this? I hold to biblical 6-day creation, global flood, etc. but in discussions with brothers who differ with me on these points, they tend to highlight biblical cosmology in light of scientific discoveries, and ask if I believe the world is flat. Are we forced to accept what the liberals might say the Bible says, namely “the Bible teaches that the world is flat”, even though the case can be made that the Bible teaches no such thing? Or am I putting myself into modernist enlightenment categories? Do you hold to flat earth? I am weary of accepting it (although I’m tempted), due to it’s cult-like obsession and insanities that come with it. If the last two years have taught me anything, it is that most of what I was taught in school was a lie, and the elites will continuously lie about anything. After all, how neat would it be to live in a world where we really are “looking up” instead of “looking out” at the night sky? Thank you.


Gary, there are few things that better illustrate the hubris and conceit of modern men than their strange idea that the ancients thought the world was flat.

Christ of the Covenants

I have been exploring covenant theology for a while now primarily listening to sermons from people who hold to covenant theology like yourself, James White, and Jeff Durbin, but was wondering if you had a book recommendation as a basic intro of sorts to this theological view.

Thankful for your ministry,


Matt, for a basic intro, I would refer you to Back to Basics, edited by David Hagopian. One quarter of that book is an intro to covenant thinking. After that, The Christ of the Covenants by O. Palmer Robertson.

Good Old Dawson

I’m finding the advice given to Dawson very insightful and helpful but a question has arisen in my mind after the latest letter, what women think they want vs what they really want. The question is how should you pursue a girl who is playing hard to get or is being stubborn. That is if you should pursue her at all. Because as I understand it, on the one hand women want to know that they are beautiful and important enough that a guy would be willing to wait and continue chasing after her until he wins her heart, but on the other hand as you have shown in your letters, they don’t want a guy that is so hung up on them that his whole life revolves around her.

So how can you show her that she is special and worth pursuing without her starting to think that you are a low value man with no other prospects and so you are a safe back-up option in case she doesn’t find someone else.

Many thanks


Gerthys, a reasonable question indeed. The main thing is to cultivate the spirit of wisdom that can discern the difference between a girl who is just messing with you and a girl who has good reasons for playing hard to get. And, in my view, the best way to tell what she is up to is by looking at the rest of her life—her place in the church, her relationship with her parents, her competence at work, and so on. If she is a diligent Christian in those areas, the chances are greatly increased that she is saying no to a guy . . . because she is a diligent Christian.

Re: What Women Want and What They Say They Want;, 2/16/22. Really? You did want to say “And when you stand up straight, you are taller than her”? And “You are not ugly.” What if you are ugly or short (even relatively speaking)? Do you really want to cut out potential relationships with ugly people and couples who mismatch each other on the height chart? I’ve heard that Julia Child married a military officer who was at least a head shorter than she and he definitely was the leader in that reputedly loving and respectful relationship. Have you unnecessarily alienated some of your readership with these purely physical judgments?


Elizabeth, no, I think you mistook my meaning. If a woman is attracted to a man who is shorter than she, I don’t think outsiders should come in and say, “oh, no, you don’t.” That is her business. But if you leave women to their own business, they will generally prefer men who are taller. That too is their business. And taking one thing with another, people who are ugly or plain have a harder time of it.

Lewis and Evidentialism

I’m reading your fantastic new book on CS Lewis, and have a question about Chapter 5: The Tao of Lewis.

You make the case that the evidentialist believes in a “common ground” between the believer and unbeliever upon which the believer can rationally build a case for God, where a presuppositionalist believes in no such “common ground”, and instead believes that all reasoning presupposes the existence of God. Therefore, you say that the evidential approach works only if men can discover the truth about the world on their own, but if the truth must be revealed supernaturally then only the presuppositional approach is appropriate.

My question is: how is presenting a presuppositional apologetic to an unbeliever fundamentally different than an evidential apologetic, if the unbeliever cannot come to the truth on their own? If we hold to monergistic regeneration, why does it matter which line of apologetic argumentation we put forth?

In other words, if the unbeliever cannot reason their way to God from an evidential apologetic, why would they be able to from a presuppositional apologetic? Or is your goal in doing presuppositional apologetics something entirely different?

Thanks in advance,


Preston, something entirely different. I don’t seek to persuade non-Christians with a presuppositional argument. Presuppositionalism gives me a place to stand, from which I declare the gospel to them. I know that what I am declaring resonates with what they already know, but are suppressing. And faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

A Difficult Spot

I have a quick question that I have thought of for months and sought counsel about but have yet to come to a decision. My wife is disabled and has a chronic health condition. She is almost certainly eligible for disability benefits/insurance/’free money’. I am a pastor and a painter on the side, and provide for my family financially as God has charged me with. I don’t quite understand how disability benefits work, and I don’t really want to take part in government money that steals from both free Americans and their children and grandchildren (for example, the stimulus check). How should I handle this? Is it wrong to take this money and tuck it away for health emergencies, or even give it to a church or abortion ministry? Should we continue in just not taking any part in it at all?

Thank you again for your ministry, it’s benefited my family and I greatly.


Isaiah, when people are in a tough spot, I don’t want to be the one saying what resources they can and cannot use. But I am willing to say that you should stay away from such things if it is possible to do so.


A Christian Political Party | You’ve heard of the Constitution Party. If it is true that their definition of “Christian” includes Mormons, then the logical follow-up question is… Have you heard of the “Christian Liberty Party“?


Trey, yes. I believe they used to be the American Heritage Party. And if they produced a good candidate for an election I was voting in, I would be happy to cast my ballot there.

Asuza Street

Are you familiar with the “Asuza Street Revival” and, if so, what do you think of it?


Ben, yes, but only generally familiar. I believe that it was the birth of modern Pentecostalism, near the beginning of the twentieth century. And what I think of it has to be located in the middle of the question “compared to what?” When they lead people to the Lord, I think it is wonderful. When they lead people away from sounder churches, I don’t.

A Counseling Challenge

My name is Tyler, I am a pastor on the East Coast, relatively new at it. How do you deal with situations in which women in the church come to you with significant marriage problems? When I ask the husband how things are going, he shrugs and says “fine.” Meanwhile the wife is telling me major issues, and telling me that if I confront him about it, he will take it out on her for betraying him. How do you handle situations like this? Confront the husband anyway? Coach her into how to confront him herself?


Tyler, I would tell the wife that I am more than willing to help her with these problems, but only if she is willing for the three of us to sit down. Otherwise all you hear is one side (Prov. 18:17). Unless she agrees to have you talk to him, I wouldn’t talk to her any more. The exception would be if she is in danger, in which case you get her out of danger, and then talk to him.

Partial Preterism

Pastor Doug, I am a partial preterist, and would hold that most of the common New Testament texts that people would utilize to point to the 2nd Coming are actually referring to 70AD and the transitional period from the Judaic aeon to the Christian aeon. However, the following text confuses me. Matthew 13:36-43:

Then He left the crowds and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the [v]weeds of the field.” And He said, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the weeds are the sons of the evil one; and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the [w]end of the age; and the reapers are angels. So just as the weeds are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the [x]end of the age. The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom [y]all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and they will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. The one who has ears, let him hear.

Is this referring to 70AD or the second coming/final consummation? Thanks so much!


Benjamin, I take this as primarily referring to circumstances prior to 70 AD, but I think the principles involved are perennial.

Underage Drinking

I have recently read your book Empires Of Dirt, and have a question in loose relation to it: what are your thoughts on drinking underage? It is something that isn’t a huge deal, but as a 19 year old young man I have recently been thinking about it. Has Christ given Caesar the right to prohibit God’s gift of wine? Many of my friends drink occasionally, and I don’t see a Scriptural problem with it personally, but I wanted to check in and see your thoughts to make sure I didn’t miss something, as you were the one who introduced me to Kuyperianism. Thanks for your time,


LM, no, I don’t think Caesar has the right to do that. So when it comes to sacramental wine, or a toast at Sabbath dinner, we don’t worry about it. But if a bunch of 19-year-old are living in an apartment complex, and are having a loud party at midnight, I would tell them that they need to obey the drinking law for the sake of the testimony. And they should turn the music down.

Not What We Want

I’m writing on behalf of a friend who has recently begun following your blog/podcast (among others) very closely. Since that time I’ve noticed a pretty significant change in him—particularly that he is becoming increasingly proud, divisive and hard-hearted toward others, believers included. I don’t follow your content very closely, and I don’t want to ask you to violate your conscience or convictions, I just wanted to reach out and let you know that your words have significant influence, and I’m concerned about the effect they seem to be having on him.


A Concerned Friend

CF, obviously that would not be an outcome that I would want at all. I would be happy to urge your friend to search his heart to make sure he is not swelling up. And I would urge you to search your heart as well, to make sure you are not contributing to the problem in some way. In short, it is always good for everybody to search their hearts.

A Case of Conscience

I’m hoping for some pastoral guidance on confession of sins. I recently went through a bizarre and intense bought of adulterous thoughts that came out of nowhere. For three days I struggled with constant thoughts about how much happier I would be married to this other specific person with a dash of sexual thoughts involved. As I willfully sought out these thoughts and took pleasure in them I was also begging God to save me from myself because I knew that these kinds of thoughts would take me down a very dark path. On day three I suddenly could not conjure up these thoughts no matter how hard I tried and by day four or five it all seemed like it had been a bad dream. Praise God! But now I’m wrestling with whether or not adulterous thoughts ought to be confessed to my spouse. I have already confessed to the Lord and am no longer haunted by these thoughts. Does the Bible call for confession in this situation? Thank you.


CH, I think that depends. If it in no way influenced your behavior, toward this other woman or toward your wife, then I don’t think there is an obligation to confess it. She might think this other woman was the problem when it sounds like the temptation was coming from elsewhere. But if you think sharing this with your wife would be an encouragement to her (i.e. demonstrating your integrity), then okay. But as a general rule, I don’t think confessing temptation is wise.

Across the Pond

Your blog is truly a great blessing and encouragement in these times, even to some of us over here across the pond in Europe.

Many thanks


Marcus, thank you for paying attention to it.

Good Work

In the spirit of Rule #5, and in show of gratitude for the serrated edge . . . here.

Thanks for all you do! And for your continued faithfulness as a cheerful warrior.


Joe, thanks.

EO Readings

I recently read one of your blog posts regarding Eastern Orthodoxy, in which you answered some objections you’ve received on the topic. You mentioned how the person questioning you assumed you are not well-read on the issue. I was hoping you could share with us your reading list on Eastern Orthodoxy. What do you recommend for anyone interested in learning more about it? And, more particular to myself, what would you recommend as a course of action for someone from a Reformed background who finds himself slowly becoming convinced and persuaded by Orthodoxy?

Thank you,


Yakov, I would recommend Through Western Eyes by Latham. As for my reading, the bulk of it was extensive reading in the early church fathers.

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3 years ago

Dear “A Concerned Friend”, What you describe resonates with what I have seen and what I have been. Years ago, when a young man, I hung out with friends who were reading Rushdoony and other Theonomist thinkers. I noticed and remember in me a lot of that sort of pride, arrogance, coldness/hatred toward unbelievers, etc. from which I gather a cause/effect relationship. Looking back and even in the present it appears some of these points-of-view/Biblical-truths can be a temptation, especially to the immaturity, self-righteousness, worldliness, etc. which we all have to some degree in us, right? There appears to be… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

From what I can tell, most of the hubris expressed in the rally was not Theonomist or Reconstructionist. I don’t think most of the protesters were Christians, but were people longing for that part of Christendom that has been removed from Canada. If pressed, no one in the crowd, I would imagine, could explain Sphere Sovereignty, but they knew there was a violation of it. They call it overreach, and they are correct. I think the fuel behind this is a memory of how a nation, discipled by Christ, would look like and what it is today. I was there… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  scott.j

Hi Scott,

There might be a misunderstanding, from where I sit in southern USA I’m totally siding with the truckers and freedom vs. tyranny.

I understood “A Concerned Friend” to be speaking about the sometimes effect of post-mil/Theonomy teaching in general… I didn’t take him to be commenting either way about the truckers.

The effects of post-mil/Theonomy, etc. teaching I mentioned having observed first-hand in myself and others I take to be due to immaturity, lack of love, self-righteousness, worldliness, and/or simply being unsaved…. in the hearers I observed (including myself) as well as in *some* of the teachers.

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Wood
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I fully understand. I didn’t mean to sound harsh against what you said. The Gospel Coalition types are going after Reconstruction and all things Rushdoony, as well as churches that remained open during the lockdowns and mandates. I’m just feeling edgy right now.

3 years ago
Reply to  scott.j

That’s understandable. Especially when TGC contributors like Gavin Ortlund (son of aforementioned Ray and brother of “gentle/lowly” Dane) are squishy on whether pro-alphabet people and universalists are part of the Christian faith.
TGC Contributor Argues Pro-LGBTQ Xtians and Universalists Are Still In the Faith – Protestia

I guess TGC is offering a “conservative” Protestant alternative to Pope Francis.

Amanda Wells
Amanda Wells
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I think it’s a combination of energetic and eager youth encountering ideas unlike anything they’ve ever heard of before. I’ve seen this type of puffiness from many young people (not just men, but seems more common in men) regardless of the specific theology /philosophy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Amanda Wells

Hi Amanda (and all), Yes! Thanks! ha, I had that that same “epiphany” last night. :) … That it is an age old well known thing. My own solution for me is to try to remember and keep before my face truths like I Corinthians 13, the truth that “knowledge puffs up but love edifies” (I Cor. 8:1),. — i.e. true Biblical, manly, self-sacrificing love….. as it appears that Doug Wilson teaches. Yea, bummer about The Gospel Coalition according to what folks say here on this website. But I think that article I mentioned is totally Biblical and good if… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Wood
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I remember Doug speaking to this issue in his blog many years ago. Probably about ten or fifteen years back. Hard to say—time all runs together at my age. But he was speaking specifically to young men who come to his church, learn lots of new things, and then behave like this, pretty much just telling them to cut it out.

3 years ago

It is very possible that Jesus was called Jesus by his family and friends. Many Hebrews in the New Testament had Latinized versions of Hebrew names, such as Jairus (Jair-us) Lazarus (a form of Eliezer) and Nicodemus. The historian Josephus, while not mentioned in the Bible, is an example of this as well. There were also people of Hebrew origin with Greek names, such as Philip (the apostle and the deacon) and Stephen. Also, Paul did not change his name to Paul from Saul, as is popularly believed, but had two names, a Hebrew and a Roman name, and Paul… Read more »

3 years ago

With your connections to Canada you may already know this. I found it enlightning having no background in Canadian governance.


3 years ago

A follow-up question to Tyler’s question: suppose the wife is more than happy to sit down with her husband and pastor, but the husband is not (because he thinks everything is “fine”). Should the pastor press the issue with the husband, refer the wife to an older woman for counsel, advise the wife to just endure, or something else?

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Obviously I can’t speak for Doug or with the wisdom of a pastor, but it seems to me that the pastor should press the issue, because if the wife thinks something is seriously wrong and the husband thinks everything is fine, by definition, something is not fine. From the pastor’s perspective, it could be the wife’s issue, it could be the husband’s issue, could be both, but obviously there is an issue there.