Letters That Put the Lips in Apocalypse

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The Election That Won’t Stop

RE: Reflections on a Pig’s Breakfast Presidential Maneuver –

You conclude with “The one thing I will say now is that it will have ramifications for politics, but it won’t be politics. So stay tuned.”

Made me think of the Warren Zevon tune, “Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money”


Dave, no, sorry, it is not that. Although I have to say that I do have that song in one of my playlists.

I am writing to say thank you for being a strong Christian leader in a time when, especially in the land of the God-less that I inhabit, Canada, there are not many to be seen. Please keep going.

God is with you.



Tim, thanks very much. By God’s grace, we intend to.

“So Christians need to be on the lookout for sane lesser magistrates. As things get crazier at the top, we should be looking for sane authority closer to home.” I agree (I seem to be doing that a lot with you lately!) What happens if it turns out there are no sane lesser magistrates. I think that could be a real possibility for many . . .


Guymon, first, let me apologize for the formatting on your letter. It was nothing you said. I can’t get the gif to behave. That said, a good lesser magistrate is beyond price, and I honestly would consider moving to find one, depending on how bad it is where you are, or how bad it is likely to get.

Mark Steyn said that when the election is stolen and neither the legislatures nor the courts will pay attention to it, then the state has negated your citizenship, and you owe it no allegiance. I’d like your reaction to that. Full disclosure: That sounded a lot like a rebellion to me, but as outraged as I am about the Great Election Heist, I’m not ready to start shooting people over it. Here’s hoping you have some practical suggestions in the promised sequels to this article.


Steve, yes, there will be practical suggestions. I do think that Steyn is correct, and this is the same logic that was behind the American War for Independence—the king refusing to protect the colonies from the encroachments of Parliament meant that their feudal ties to the king were abrogated. Vassals owe the lord allegiance as he owes them protection, and the lord is in a position to negate the whole thing by refusing to protect. But at the same time, that is a basis for “checking out,” which is not the same thing as shooting anybody. The issues there will be quite different. More soon.

Given that Biden won the popular vote by 7 million, your real complaint is that your side wasn’t able to again deprive the majority of its choice for president. The lawsuits went nowhere—all 50 of them—because they were lacking in merit, and Republican judges joined with Democrat judges in tossing them. Having now lost both the popular vote AND the Electoral College, Trump’s next step was to try to overturn the Electoral College through Republican state legislatures. Give it up. Your guy lost, fair and square. And he lost because people were tired of being governed by a tantrum-throwing toddler, and nothing he’s said or done since the election does anything other than confirm that the voters made the right choice. And as for Biden being President Elect Maduro, you have got to be kidding. Have you seen who’s in his cabinet? Treasury is going to be run by Wall Street insiders and corporatists. Foreign policy is going to be made by war hawks. If he’s a socialist you sure couldn’t tell it by who he’s appointing. You know who’s not in the cabinet? Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

For the love of God, chill. Just chill.


Hi, Mike!

I appreciate your efforts to exegete the Bible and exegete the culture, and therefore help Christians engage in our current culture biblically. I minister to college students and am planning to do a series with them on idolatry. If you were going to do a series on that, what would your top 5-10 idols be to seek to tear down and root out?


Nick, I would focus on identity, sex, money, nature, and politics. And for background reading, I would refer you to Schlossberg’s Idols for Destruction.

The Masking Issue That Won’t Stop

I read “The Exhilaration of Disobedience” & thought to myself, “Now that’s the way to kick the hell out of the other team.” Amen, Amen & Amen. Thank you for articulating the Words of God in a way that engages the mind & fires up the heart. May the Lord defend His Bride in Moscow. Isaiah 41:10-13.


Sage, thanks.

I am a high school teacher in West Michigan and am wrestling with a mask dilemma. I’ve greatly appreciated your resources after discovering your content a few months ago through the pastor of a new church my family is now attending (meeting with no restrictions, praise God!, also our pastor took our elder team to the Fight Laugh Feast conference this fall). Our school has gone virtual since thanksgiving after being in person from the start of the year. We have now required staff to be on site for in person help to students who need it. I have been at school most days since I am a flight instructor and fly with our senior flight students even amidst the shutdown. We don’t wear masks at the hangar or in the airplane and I typically don’t in the school building when few people are there. Students are now showing up and I had a fellow staff member call me out for not wearing it around the students. I see no value in the mask and am bothered that I only wear it to appease my fellow coworkers. I am convicted to stand for truth and am leery of the slippery slope we are on if no refuses to go along with these draconian tactics. I look around and see few men who are willing to stand and am burdened to stand myself for my family and my fellow man. I am seeking counsel (a coworker and I are wrestling as Christ followers in this) in how to go about this and if this is a hill worth dying on and if so what my options are. Again, thank you for you and your team and the awesome work you do. It has been a blessing to me and I appreciate your time.

In Christ,


Joshua, as I have written before, masks are not an absolute conscience issue, depending on context. If you need to fly somewhere, you will have to wear a mask. But it is the sort of thing where you should push back every good chance you get.

In Wisconsin, our governor has again illegally (per Wisconsin State Law) extended masks until January. Our state representatives are spineless when it comes to election fraud and the governor’s tyranny. My church’s leadership acknowledges the political farce of COVID and yet still pays homage to Caesar despite the Ninth Commandment. My primary grocery store has started denying service to those who do not wear the burka or the face shield. I imagine other stores will start doing the same. I stopped wearing masks in stores since mid-September. I have been very discouraged so the video of Christ Church’s carol protest outside Moscow City Hall blessed me tremendously. Do you have any advice for us who are trying to remain faithful while things continue to get darker and harder? I would relish being a part of a community like what God has built at Christ Church. Gabe Rench connected me with some like minded folks but we’re scattered across the state. If Greyfriars Hall produces any church planters, please send one to northeast Wisconsin. Like the Macedonian man in Acts 16:9, we need help.



Brent, thanks, and stay strong. In the providence of God, masks/no masks have become a flag representing worlds much bigger than the simple issue of masking.

I just finished the tedious complaint by Doug against our city government. Briefly, a few days ago he was making claims against the legitimacy of our presidential election, and now, the farce of that election exposed, he is off and running against city hall. I have explained to you Mablog readers, Wilson is no conservative, but a radical always in search of a new cause.

More later.


Fred, the results are in from Antrim in Michigan. Just think of it as the bag of cocaine that the bad guys didn’t get flushed after the raid started. But there was lots of cocaine to begin with. My conservatism is the kind that thinks that things like that are bad.

Thanks From Ireland

Regarding the Exhilaration of Disobedience—what is the next step? I’ve been around politics long enough to know that if the folks at the top don’t like something, they’ll just change the rules, or find the loop, and put a stamp on it. And then you’re done. Kind of like where you and your tribe are now. They found the loop, put the stamp on it, and now you just need to shut up. Apparently. There is no redress of grievances. There is no, “this is a republic, and I’m protected by the King in Heaven, and the Constitution.” They’ll roll their eyes and walk away. As they seem to have done. “Shut up, slave. Move along.” Christ flipped tables. It was an unmistakable move of obvious disapproval. I understand the escalation of things like this, and we have to start somewhere. But again, what’s next? Because there clearly needs to be a “next.” They aren’t afraid of Psalm sings and caroling. Our joy in spite of their tyranny isn’t shaking them. What’s our version of flipping tables?



Tim, I actually believe that what we are doing here is having its effect. And when the flipping tables moment comes, I believe it will be obvious enough.

1st just want to say how you have blessed me & my family & community with your wisdom & knowledge here in Ireland. Your description of eschatology has opened my eyes. It’s much better to have a good reason to preach the Gospel knowing we are already winning because the Kingdom is expanding, rather than thinking the world is getting worse so what’s the point in telling others the good news.

2nd, I have a question. What is the exact meaning of the narrow & broad road which Jesus talks about in Lake 13 (or Mt 7)? If u have a resource already describing it somewhere I’d love to know which one it is in.

3rd, my mother who is a pastor & theology teacher in Cavan School of Theology has gained a good load & is still gaining loads of good knowledge from you.

Overall, thanks for your very hard work


Manuel, lots of things here, but I will just address one. It is easy to take the Lord’s saying in Matt. 7:13 and absolutize it as a timeless statement about the very nature of things. But if you look at the context of this saying in Luke 13:24, you see in the verses following that He is talking about first century Jews who heard Him preaching in their streets. And then that is followed by many coming from east and west to sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom (vv. 28-29). For the many who come, their way is a broad way.

Exposition and Topics

I am currently working through “A Justice Primer.” Extremely clarifying and helpful so far. I am an associate pastor with weekly preaching responsibilities and as I continue to read and study issues that have huge bearing on current events and trends (critical race theory, justice, limits of governmental authority, etc.), I find myself wanting to share these ideas with everyone around me and wake them up (get them “biblically woke” that is). I am a firm believer in expository preaching. So my quandary is how do I address important relevant topics on a regular basis without being preaching topically. If I wanted to preach on justice, I could certainly point to a load of Scriptures on the subject as you do in “The Justice Primer” but wouldn’t that be topical preaching and eliminate the safeguards of exegeting a particular text? On the other hand, these issues need to be addressed and I don’t want to avoid them! Would love your insight. Thanks!


Johnathan, I believe in preaching through books of the Bible also, but not exclusively. My general practice is to preach through an OT book, do a handful of topical sermons, then a NT book, and a handful of topics.

Some Input on Fiction

My wife and I are fans of your fiction and have read Flags Out Front and The Man in the Dark together on very enjoyable date nights. My wife and I couldn’t wait to find out what happens in Ecochondriacs, so a couple of nights ago we bought the kindle version and read it through to the end in one sitting. We enjoyed this post-millennial daydream as we did the others. However, unlike the other two books, I would hesitate to recommend this one for a friend to read, all because of a single paragraph—the one where Larry Locke turns around in the elevator to find the two women sitting on the floor terrified of him. We were chuckling along with you up to and including when Larry said “sit” but (as I’m sure you’ll acknowledge) it was demeaning for those women to sit down in terror.

Personally, as a man I would be ashamed to have put women in a situation like that even unintentionally and would certainly not want such an ugly incident to be published in my biography. Some hard lessons are best kept to oneself, you know? So, I’m not sure what your intention was in including it—maybe as some kind of No Quarter November angularity intended to set off the wrong kind of person? I think this story loses nothing if the ladies on the elevator are simply startled when Larry gets on the elevator and give him nervous glances as he steps off. Or perhaps Larry could talk to Jill (or think to himself and the reader) about how to avoid that happening again (the horror!). As it stands, this incident is the proverbial fly in the ointment, the “fly” being a needless flippancy on the part of the author towards the dignity of two nameless females. I know you tried to communicate Larry’s horror at what he’d done and the impossibility of any remedy besides the helpless cry of “Ladies!” . . . but it didn’t seem like enough? The ugly feeling stayed with me through to the end of the novel, tainting my pleasure with Larry’s strength and composure.

Anyhow, I’m a daily follower of your blog, so please keep up the good work, but you poked me in the eye here, and I thought you should know.


Isaac, thanks for the feedback. I will confess that I hadn’t anticipated that reaction. I just thought it was a funny illustration of how people were reacting to his size.

The Coming Vaccine War

RE: The upcoming COVID vaccine and the current lockdown measures In 2015 you wrote a helpful article dealing with vaccines, the common good, and personal liberty.

In that article, you argued that vaccines generally are “not a matter of personal choice because everyone else is involved.” After defending this from Leviticus 13, you qualified your previous statement, saying, “This is not a claim that vaccines are always perfect, or that the side-effects are not a problem, or that frauds can never interfere with the science (as happened with the Lancet article which claimed a correlation with autism), and so on. This is a fallen world, and no problem of this nature can ever be addressed risk-free.”

Then you wrote, “If a person has decided personal convictions about the contagious disease he is carrying, the society in which he lives has *an equal right to have decided and contrary convictions about that same contagious disease he has* (italics in original). And if there is an outbreak of such a disease, and the government quarantines everyone who is not vaccinated, requiring them to stay at home, the name for this is prudence, not tyranny.”

Prima facie, this would seem to be an argument that some might use today for justifying the current lockdown measures (which I think in most states are a form of harmful government overreach). Would you say that your claims in the previous article—regarding both the ethics of vaccination for the common good and a society’s right over an individual to quarantine them for the good of a larger community or nation—do not apply in our current case, since the severity of COVID is much less than, say, whooping cough or tuberculosis?

Also, would you mind speaking to your thoughts on the soon-to-be-available COVID vaccine? I’m specifically wondering if you would encourage people to get the vaccine as one way to hasten the end of this thoroughly detrimental lockdown (especially given that it does not seem likely that the people in authority will end this nightmare anytime soon)?

Thanks for your time!


DP, my thoughts on the principle of the thing remain the same. But there are two additional factors. One is that since 2015 I did some work on the unethical sourcing of many vaccines, which I wrote on here. The second is that the behavior of the medical establishment at large during this COVID mess has done a great deal to shatter their credibility on such issues, at least in my eyes.

Infant Baptism

I am working through your book on infant baptism a second time and yesterday I listened to Dr. Strawbridge’s interview on the same subject on Canon Calls. I have been saying for a while now that I affirm covenantal infant baptism but I could be convinced otherwise. I’ll tell you why and then get to my question.

The paedobaptist’s arguments from the nature of the Covenant, the promises of the inclusion of children, the actual data in the NT are strong, in my estimation. Infant baptism has become more and more of a “well no duh” proposition for me. The scriptural arguments are good AND the practice corresponds to an apparent instinct that I feel as a father. (That aspect doesn’t get enough air time, if you ask me).

But the strongest Reformed Baptist argument is also an appeal to the nature of the Covenant. You know the argument well. Jeremiah 31 says:

“No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”

I have heard and read counter arguments from Presbyterians and Continental Reformed folks on inclusion, continuity, etc, but so far I have not encountered a direct counter exegesis of that Jeremiah passage. I am certain it’s because I haven’t read widely enough, but, nevertheless, I haven’t seen one. The Reformed Baptist argument at that point appears to be weighty. For that reason, I must say what I said above. I could be persuaded to their position.

Can you point me to a resource that explains clearly what that passage (I think there are one or two others like it as well) actually does mean from a Paedobaptist’s perspective? I need a book, article, lecture, YouTube video, or whatever else you could point me toward. If that passage doesn’t mean what Reformed Baptists say it means, then what DOES it mean?

Keep up the great work, sir.


Andrew, Gregg Strawbridge edited a book called The Case for Covenantal Infant Baptism, and it has a contribution from Jeff Niell that addresses your question. For my part, I would encourage you to look up every use of “least to greatest” in Jeremiah, and ask yourself who is usually included by that phrase. It seems to me an odd phrase to use in order to argue for the exclusion of “the least.”

Enneagram Follow-Up

OK . . . sorry to keep “pushing back” on this particular topic, but related to the Plodcast episode “Christmas & The Constitution” . . . if Christmas trees, blowing out candles, etc. all originated from pagan practices, yet are now considered based on my understanding to be appropriate elements of a Christian Christmas celebration . . . why is the Enneagram, with roots in the “occult” not appropriate to use for personality typing for business hires?

Yeah, I’m know I’m kicking this horse to death, but I’m really trying to wrap my head around this!


Ben, I think we agree on the principle. Nobody today is afraid of getting together with a young Christian on Thursday (Thor’s Day) because there is not an active group of people out there worshiping Thor. It is a pagan dead letter. So if someone is using the Enneagram grid for typing personalities a few centuries from now, and there were no occultic, living practitioners of the Enneagram way, I would have the same take on it that I do with birthday candles.

What are your thoughts on Christians celebrating Halloween?


Haven, here you go.

Soft Porn for Cuckolds

I was thinking about your NQN post about the pornographic hyenas (wait a minute, that didn’t come out right) and I was wondering if you see a correlation between what you addressed in that column and today’s men who are infatuated with heroines.

Providentially, God has placed me among a few comic book fans. I’m not one myself, but in trying to be a conversationalist, and having the Marvel Cinematic Universe at my disposal, I like to talk with people I meet about what they enjoy. One thing I’ve anecdotally noticed is a number of men who are captivated with the “awesomeness of a woman superhero who can get in there and kick the men’s butts” schtick. Girl Thor is more exciting than Thor. She-hulk is awesome! The Incredible Hulk? Meh. Men faint for Wonder Woman, but the idea of being inspired by Captain America or Superman seems foreign to them. This is odd to me, and I wonder if it’s a perversion of men’s thought related to what you wrote about. I think it goes beyond the attraction to the hyper-sexualization of women in comics, which is certainly an issue. But it seems like an even deeper problem when men get excitement out of watching women being the protectors God designed men to be. I’m curious for your thoughts if you think there’s a connection.

Grace and peace,


David, yes, I think there really is something in what you are observing. Uber-deadly women who kick butt in battle are kinky, and it is related to the same kind of kink in men dressing up in women’s clothing. In Deuteronomy 22:5, it prohibits cross dressing for the men, but the prohibition going the other way is not a prohibition of dressing like a man. It prohibits women bearing the gear of a warrior (keli geber). Women were created by God to give life and nurture it, not to be death-dealers. When a righteous woman deals out death (as Jael the wife of Heber did), she does not sacrifice her femininity to do so. She uses her femininity to do so. She served him a drink.

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4 years ago

Schlossberg’s ‘Idols for Destruction’ is an excellent book. I recommend it to everyone.

Book reader #208
Book reader #208
4 years ago
Reply to  JJ

It is available on Open Library if you are not able to find it near you and have a limited book budget.

Bro. Steve
Bro. Steve
4 years ago
Reply to  JJ

You beat me to it. Superb book. But you need to keep a dictionary handy.

4 years ago

As someone who has spent a bit of time with the comics and I’m a bit older than most of the people you have dealt with, a few observations. Most of the young men have no fathers in their lives. That affects everything. Most of those same young men will spend an inordinate amount of time in role playing games. They are killing the dragon in fantasy because their God induced need to be men has to go somewhere. They have been thoroughly emasculated by their families and education, but the masculinity has to go somewhere. Marvel movies are not… Read more »

B. Josiah Alldredge
B. Josiah Alldredge
4 years ago

Andrew, I would second the recommendation of Gregg Strawbridge’s anthology. The section addressing Jeremiah 31 helped clinch it for me years ago.

Andrew Clover
Andrew Clover
4 years ago

I’ve ordered it and it is on the way.

4 years ago

RE: how to talk to people who insist you wear a mask… One might start by telling them to read the fine print on the package that the mask came in (If they bought one off the rack). It says right there that they are not fit for the propose for which they are sold.

4 years ago
Reply to  arwenb

arwenb, please don’t confuse everyone with facts.

It’s extreme fun for those in positions of power to play with those who can’t read and understand English, who just float along with the outgoing tide rather than understanding the scam and saying that’s not right. When you point out facts, it messes up the ultra elete’s fun.

Please remember, in the days of crazy thinking, facts don’t matter.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave


You forget how few people read the instructions on what they buy.

4 years ago

Joshua, are you doing phase checks or advanced training such as instrument, commercial, multi-engine and such. In the FAR 121 world, aircrew wear their masks to the plane or when out and about doing exterior preflights. However, the masks come off in the cockpit because they are a safety hazard. If you are training on the professional pilot track, you may want to seriously consider the mask hazard. As an aside, keep your feet on the rudder pedals all the time. During Vietnam, a C-123 was out for a trash haul. It is a noisy airplane and the copilot had… Read more »

4 years ago

Pastor Wilson, you claimed a few weeks ago that Democrats were willing to do anything to win, while Republicans were willing to believe anything. I’m seeing 60+ lawsuits now from Trump and allies attempting to overturn the election results, many of which don’t even allege fraud but attempt to take the matter out of the hands of voters completely and give it to others. Trump yelling that he wanted to stop the counting and let the Supreme Court decide the winner. Death threats getting called in to electors and judges across the country. “Proud Boys” and others instigating violence on… Read more »

We Be Libtards
We Be Libtards
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Thank you, Jonathan, your comic relief was just the ticket.

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

“’Proud Boys’” and others instigating violence on the streets. And now numerous calls for secession or violence, some of them even being made by elected Republican officials.” That tells you all you need to know about Jonathan. The Proud Boys started because of Antifa attacks on Trump supporters (including women and the elderly) during and after the 2016 election–while cops often stood down. In the first major conflict, Antifa attacked them (as happens practically every time) but the outnumbered PBs kicked their tails. Of course the corrupt Manhattan DA sent two PBs to prison and did nothing to the Antifa… Read more »

JP Patches
JP Patches
4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart


My man JP Stewart be dope smokin’ hot, yall !

Loaded for bear!

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

All the points I made, and literally all you could post is “But Antifa!”. I would agree with you that Antifa is a bunch of clowns who should be arrested and charged wherever they commit crimes, but they’re also irrelevant to the points being made. And using them to cover up Proud Boy violence is a joke. The Proud Boys were caught on tape explicitly plotting how they were going to incite violence and frame others for it, their founder cut all ties with them in 2018 as they were caught in increasingly violent acts, several of them are now… Read more »

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Yes, some are in prison for an incident where a larger group of Antifa thugs attacked them and the Proud Boys turned the tables (despite being outnumbered) and whupped their soy boys. I already said that. The local DA, Cyrus Vance Jr., a liberal miscreant who went very easy on perverts like Epstein and Weinstein, threw the book at the Proud Boys and let Antifa off with no charges. And of course you play the overused “white supremacist” card, despite their being pretty much every race represented in the Proud Boys.

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

THEY played the White Supremacist card, not me. Like I said, there’s a fight between the ones who want to be openly white supremacist and the ones who don’t.

“We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other ‘undesirables’ into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization.

“We recognize that the West was built by the White Race alone and we owe nothing to any other race.”


4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

You might also be amused to see that before Enrique Tarrio was the “token negro” of the Proud Boys and started calling himself Afro-Cuban, he actually was a convicted felon by the name of Henry Tarrio who identified as White and looked about 4 shades lighter than he does now.
comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

And Trump just sent out a Tweet that states that Georgia’s Republican Governor and Secretary of State will soon be going to jail for refusing to fix the election for him. That tweet, which included pictures of the men superimposed by the Chinese Communist flag, has already been liked and forwarded over 100,000 times.

That is the president of the United States saying that. Not some random nobodies.

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Jonathan, while your hysteria amuses me to no end, the tweet was from Lin Wood, which Trump merely retweeted. It said: President Trump @realDonaldTrump is a genuinely good man. He does not really like to fire people. I bet he dislikes putting people in jail, especially “Republicans.” He gave @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState every chance to get it right. They refused. They will soon be going to jail. So, the tweet didn’t originate from Trump (“That is the president of the United States saying that”), and, for the life of me, I can’t seem to find anything in there about “fixing… Read more »

4 years ago

Trump sent the tweet out to his followers. No he didn’t write it, but when he gives a speech that someone else wrote he’s still responsible for that speech too. Are you really going to try and claim he doesn’t mean the things he sends out?

And it literally said they are going to jail because he gave them “every chance to get it right” and “they refused”. What do you think they refused to get right, his Taco Bell order?

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

I love it. I say “Jump”, you say “how high?” You never disappoint. Your endless excuses, rationalizations, spin, squid ink, and chaff are endlessly amusing.

Go ahead, Tar Baby. Go for the Last Word again. But you might want to pull up your pants first.

4 years ago

Mr. TCFKAfp: 👍👍👍👍👍

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

A US Congressman (Mo Brooks, Alabama) just called on Congress to reject the results of the election and pick the president themselves. Michigan state Rep. Gary Eisen stated that he was part of a group that was going to disrupt the Michigan electors and refused to promise that no one would be hurt. Electors had to gather in secret locations due to numerous death threats against them. Joe diGenova, a lawyer for the Trump campaign, called for White House election official Chris Krebs to be shot. Stephen Miller, a central White House advisor, stated that they were setting up shadow… Read more »

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart


Stand down & stand by. Enough with your “what-abouts”. How could someone who claims to be a committed Christian side with a bunch of thugs like the Proud Boys or think that the CSA had lawful reasons secede?

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Clay, First, you can grow up and stop posting under multiple names. Second, I didn’t say I sided with the Proud Boys. I said I wasn’t a fan of their tactics, but I get why they started. People peacefully supporting their candidate shouldn’t be subjected to stuff like this, which has happened repeatedly since before the 2016 election. The biggest “thugs” are BLM and Antifa. Own it. https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/12/12/christian-trump-supporter-attacked-3-times-by-antifa-at-washington-d-c-protest/ As for the CSA, if you knew anything about the founders and what many states said about secession, there was certainly a case for it. As a Christian who believes Rom. 13… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

Also, I don’t want to spend too much time on your deflection, but if you are claiming that pro-Trump violence is justified because Antifa was violent first, you have the order of events wrong. Here are just a few of the examples of pro-Trump violence from 2015 and early 2016. The “antifa” phenomenon emerged as a violent clownish reaction to this violence, they weren’t the first ones to instigate. August 2015: Two men severely beat and then urinated on a 58-year-old homeless Latino man in Boston, telling police, “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported.” When… Read more »

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Ah, Slate. The infallible source of truth who bring us Christ-honoring pieces like this (in the upper portion of their site today). https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/12/nail-biting-rough-hands-fingering-sex-advice.html Surely they must be 100% objective due to their fear of God, right. As for Antifa, their forerunners have been trashing cities since 1999 during the WTO conference. According to a podcast I listened to by a journalist who lived in the area in the 2000s, pre-Antifa groups committed plenty of violent acts, including beating people to the point of brain damage and most likely killing others. But given the extremely corrupt local politicians, I’m not surprised… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

Every incident in the story is linked and almost all are supported with video evidence or court records. And it came before Antifa did anything at a Trump rally. You ignored everything to scream “But Antifa!” again.

And by basing your argument on the 1999 WTO protests and such events, you’ve become completely disassociated from the original claim which was “Democrats will do anything to win elections”. People causing incidents at the 1999 WTO conference pretty obviously weren’t doing it in support of the Democrats. In fact, I think it’s clear that Antifa in general hurts Democrat chances to win.

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

I wasn’t talking about that claim. I was talking about bringing up “the Proud Boys violence when it’s very clear the violent left have been the primary instigators of violence and terrorizing peaceful Trump supporters recently. And bringing up Antifa’s predecessors is relevant to the discussion. While Antifa SHOULD really hurt Democrat chances, they may not when it gets so little MSM coverage. I mean, if Trump supporters did this to the same Biden supporter, CNN, NPR and friends would cover it 24/7 and put the video on repeat:

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

So you admit that you’re ignoring the claim that started the discussion.

Your link is weird because it suggests “antifa” attacks democrats…which even moreso submarines the claim that Pastor Wilson made.

And you’re posting Andy Ngo? Seriously? The guy who was caught on tape hanging out with Patriot Prayer while they plotted attacks on Antifa? That’s your source for “antifa” material?


4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

And here we have another one – a former cop rammed a delivery man’s car off the road, held a gun to his head, and forced him to the ground….to investigate “voter fraud”. He was given over $200,000 by the “Liberty Center for God and Country” the day after his actions. He has now been arrested and charged with aggravated assault.


4 years ago

Also, “the results are in” in Antrim? A group made some silly unsupported claims, the exact same group that has already been called out twice this election cycle for making false claims about election numbers that were immediately contradicted with public data, proving that they either can’t read a chart correctly or are simply liars. What “results” do you think they produced, and why did you automatically believe them?


4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Here’s a report on the group’s previous claims – they demonstrate either incredible incompetency or a profound willingness to lie. And you don’t have to “trust” anyone doing the fact check – as you can see the numbers are very much publicly available for your own checking.


4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

And here’s an earlier attempt he made with similarly embarrassing errors. He made all these false claims about publicly available data, but you trust him on matters of technological data, even though he have yet to produce any evidence of expertise on any of the matters in question? His resume shows that he’s a businessman and failed Republican Congressional candidate, not a programming expert.


4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Jonathan, keep your shirt on. The party’s just getting started. It takes time to work the evidence that you so much want to see into the courts into something that is recognizable by the public and not just geeks. If there weren’t voting problems, the various state officials would not have resisted having machines audited, votes audited or voting records destroyed and instead would have invited everyone in the world to watch. That didn’t happen. If you read any of the Dominion voting machine publications over the weekend, you would have noted that the machines can count in fractions of… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

It’s actually the exact opposite. Trump was given the opportunity to have a full hand recount of the paper ballots in Michigan, which would have easily shown any of these ridiculous claims to be true or false. He declined because he would have had to pay for it. Here are the exact words from a Michigan official:

“For those who question the outcome, the remedy stage begins after you say, ‘yes,’” former Michigan Elections Director Chris Thomas told state canvassers prior to their vote. “Recounts, audits, investigations are all out there waiting for you.”

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Jonathan, we’re waiting for the electronic ones and zeros to be shown to the public. Those are the ones and zeros that used fractions of votes to stuff the ballot box. Did you watch any of the Dominion training videos or read the training manuals that are available online? They show exactly how the ballot may be made by the voting machine to any standard the programmer wishes. That’s why the electrons must be examined. Take a breath. Sing a few Christmas carols. Drink a toddy or hot chocolate. God is still in control and Proverbs tells us that God… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I watched the first training video, it was the most mundane thing ever. And it appeared from the training video that all the results are triple-confirmed: there’s a physical printout, a ballot image recorded on the card, AND the tally recorded on the card. So any recount would immediately show if “changes” had occurred. I’m not sure what you’re upset about.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Jonathan, I am not upset; however, your bash everything, I am right no matter what attitude isn’t fitting for a proper discussion between Christian brothers. Read the Dominion documentation to see how votes can be tabulated in fractions, Dominion machine ballots made to appear as though voted by different individuals and read about how it can weight an election to one candidate or the other. As a note, did you see the video of the Fulton County Director of Elections saying that some 94% of the Fulton County votes were adjudicated? That is from the election boss. How in the… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

There is no evidence that any Dominion votes were changed in the manner you suggest – if they had been so it would immediately be exposed by the paper record, and the paper record in hand recounts has repeatedly shown that the machines worked fine. You misunderstand what the Fulton County director was saying – when he referred to the “adjudicated” total he was referring to how many ballots had passed the adjudication process, not how many actually had to be individually adjudicated. It’s obvious if you watch other updates from the night – he always gives the adjudicated #… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

And the full hand audit of the Antrim results has been completed, and – surprise, surprise – it shows no evidence of changed ballots or fraud. The machines reported the exact same thing that was on the paper, they didn’t change the numbers, and the Ramsland’s group was proven to have gotten the facts wrong yet again.


Megan White
Megan White
4 years ago

I commented on your 2008 Halloween post. It was a nice, refreshing (albeit 12 years old) take on Halloween.

Kristina Zubic
Kristina Zubic
4 years ago

Re. Larry Locke: Rev. Wilson knows a similarly sized person in real life. My guess was that the reactions to Larry’s physical form were based on some things that have happened to the real person.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristina Zubic

In the fiction world, Jack Reacher and Walt Longmire are characters who follow similar tropes. Big guys whose very presence is intimidating whether they want it to be or not — but they know how to use it when they need to.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jane

B. More, stop lying about the definition of preaching. You known lying is a sin, right?

This is the last time I’m going to bother pointing this out to you, I just wanted you to know that you’re not going to bully me into not sharing my opinions or thoughts. Now you know, so you can save the few minutes you spend each week scanning my posts for things to correct and lying about me.

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
4 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Your obsession with Jane is unhealthy, and your tone is creepy and malevolent. I think most people would describe your conduct as harassment. What on earth are you doing on a Christian board?

Ken B
Ken B
4 years ago

If I might be permitted a view from over the Pond with no axe to grind?! Reading a book in German at the moment on politics and morals, which begins with the following sentence: ‘In 869 days US President Trump made 10,796 false or misleading assertions’. Source was the Washington Post and the period up to 7 June 2019. With that in mind, when Trump claimed the election had been stolen, even before all the votes had been counted, it does not exactly show him as having much credibility. No track record of honesty, even if he had done some… Read more »

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

Ken B,

In Doug Wilson’s world, his followers require a steady stream of imagined grievances. Fortunately for them, Douglas is only too happy to accommodate. There’s money in them thar hills!

4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Clay, it’s good to see you back.

Why do you think you are a Christian?

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave


Happy to have you as a member of my fan club. And you’re a pilot, too!

4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Clay, tell us why you think you are a Christian. Your posts don’t show that at all.

Christian first, pilot in addition to many other duties and training.

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave


With all of your experience in piloting and other duties and training, would you please explain the difference between a Christian pilot and say, a Jewish pilot? Is one inherently better than the other? And how do you tell one from the other?

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful reply.

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave


Again, you have me confused with Douglas Wilson and several others on this site (they know who they are) who pitch digital hissyfits at the slightest whiff of a perceived grievance. In Wilson’s House of Fun House Mirrors, circular reasoning is the sine qua non of his ministry.

Rest easy, Dave, you’re not one them. You’re a guy who’s always good for laugh.

4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Clay, why do you think you are a Christian?

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave


Why do you think Doug Wilson is a Christian?

4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

See, the first problem with your argument is this: “Source was the Washington Post ”

Y’know, one of those mainstream media news outlets, and a wholly owned subsidiary of one of those multinational corporations. One of the ones that have been lying to us about everything that’s happening this year, and which has every incentive to want more lockdowns and fewer small local businesses.

We Be Libtards
We Be Libtards
4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

Ken, are you seriously citing the WAPO as a credible source for Trump’s false or misleading assertions?

4 years ago
Reply to  We Be Libtards

“We be Libtards”, can you link what you would prefer as the definitive source to fairly judge the accuracy of Trump’s claims?

Ken B
Ken B
4 years ago
Reply to  We Be Libtards

WBL and arwenb: I am aware of the partisan nature of media these days. CNN = Dem, Fox = Rep. (The death of journalism is a subject in its own right, and is not confined to the States.) Despite that, is what the Post reporting basically true? That’s what matters. It’s not as though I haven’t read other sources of information, European media where the tendency to bias, whilst not absent, is much less. Just watching Trump speak without journalistic comment tells you much about everything having to centre on himself. I’ve also noticed his less than ethical approach to… Read more »

Tom Bombadill
Tom Bombadill
4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

Trump claims the media lies, the media claims Trump lies. Why should I believe the media? Have they shown themselves to be trustworthy? You realize it was the “pillar of integrity” WaPo that called al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar”? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50205592

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Bombadill

Yep, and also consider how poorly informed most voters were thanks to the Big Tech/MSM bias and blackout. According to a poll in the 7 swing states: – 35.4% didn’t know about Biden’s sex assault allegations -45.1% didn’t know about the Hunter Biden scandal (now getting attention AFTER the election) – 43.5% didn’t know about the Middle East peace deals brokered by Trump – 39.4% didn’t know about record-low unemployment under Trump just before COVID When the media looks a lot more like Orwell’s Ministry of Truth than a free press, that’s a form of election fraud in and of… Read more »

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

Ken, it’s clear you want to bloviate, not ask questions. European media is very biased. Up to a million children are raped by Muslim gangs, but the media was afraid to talk about it. As the guy who wrote a book about it said “”Journalists would not speak about it, because the perpetrators were mostly dark-skinned and Muslim. Childcare professionals used Political Correctness as an ‘omerta,’ a code of silence concerning what the public was allowed to know.” As bad as some of our problems are, I’m glad my ancestors made that trip across the pond. This is especially true… Read more »

JP Patches
JP Patches
4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

Look at you, JP! All dressed up and presentable. Well said, by the way, but you forgot to mention those nasty Euro’s started this entire LGBTQ+ thing. I can’t even begin to explain how you forgot to rant about that. Did you have an intervention? Oh yes, one more thing: I am not Clay Crouch, as I’ve told you several times already. Your continued accusations to that effect do very little for your credibility. You occasionally make some good points and even give off some signs you might be educated but you’re obviously a lunatic so why should I bother… Read more »

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  JP Patches

You’ve literally responded on behalf of Clay and made no bones about it. Get over yourself, Clay. The rest of us got over you long ago.

We Be Libtards
We Be Libtards
4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

You say

“…European media where the tendency to bias, whilst not absent, is much less.”

Thank you for explaining that; I think we see the problem more clearly now.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

Ken, you must have missed the German VATs imposed on US muscle cars being imported in the 80s. It was steep. And don’t forget that Ford successfully petitioned Congress to put huge tariffs on German and Japanese vehicles in the 70s. Their excuse was that they overseas companies had robotic paint booths and that to build new paint booths to replace the 1930s that were in use would cost about 50 grand for each new booth. They got the tariffs and that year paid junior executives bonuses of over $50,000 each. Hmmmmm. What a nice game. The WaPo is like… Read more »

Ken B
Ken B
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

J P Stewart – I said that European media can have it bias, but I know most if not all of the things you list voters in the US didn’t know, so the coverage must have been better on this side of the Pond. I hope it doesn’t follow the US in becoming wholly partisan. That’s serious problem for democracy. Pointing out that Europe has it problems – which I am more familiar with than you are – doesn’t answer the question as to whether Trump is a compulsive liar or not. Johnson is. That’s the case and I see… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

If I may be permitted to post a rather different view, but also from someone from across the pond… It would seem to me that in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, we ought to assume election fraud happened. To assume it didn’t happen, we would have to assume, from the left: Trump is an evil, Hitler like person who won his first election through fraudulent action and then amidst all the chaos of Covid, chose not to use the tactic that won him power in the first place. Perhaps he wasn’t a Hitler like person after all…… Read more »

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  JBJ


Following your reasoning, let’s try this on for size. Absent any evidence to the contrary, we ought to assume JBJ is a child molester.

Your thoughts, please.

Ken B
Ken B
4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

I don’t understand JBJ’s reasoning! Bottom line for me is you shouldn’t assume anything, regardless of your political hue. Is there evidence of widespread fraud in previous elections? What is in place to try to ensure this doesn’t happen? The BBC did a piece on this, and I would have thought fraud easier said than done. And the crunch question what is the evidence of fraud in this particular election? It’s not as though the Republicans haven’t used the law to disenfranchise potential Democrat voters in an attempt to retain power (I have a specific example in mind seen recently… Read more »

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
4 years ago

Here Mike, let me help you out with the Maduro reference. From UPI, Dec 7, 2020: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has claimed a landslide victory in National Assembly elections viewed as illegitimate by much of the Western world, dealing a blow to U.S.-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido. Many, many American people view Xiden’s (not a typo) election as fraudulent and illegitimate — including 30% of Democrats. In other words, Xiden (not a typo) and Maduro are two peas in a fraudulent pod. Too bad the “President-Elect Maduro” line flew right over your head. And if your Polident-Elect Hairsniffer gets inaugurated… Read more »

4 years ago

Do you consider this a Christian website or a partisan-Republican website? In all the years that the two of us have been posting on here, have you ever made a post that centered on Christian principles, your Christian walk, faith, the Bible, or anything else that characterizes a Christian?

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

I can’t speak for CFKAFp, there are certainly Christian principles to consider. And there’s no reason to consider Biden’s constinuency as Christians. For example, Gen. 5:2 says “He created them male and female.” It’s clear God created men and women differently and intends for them to marry and reproduce (at least the ones who aren’t single). The NT gives plenty of instructions for “nuclear families.” However, BLM’s website (before they removed it) disparaged the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Why? Maybe because 2 of its 3 founds identify as queer, in violation of Rom 1, Lev 18:22 and many other passages.… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

You seem to have completely ignored the question I was asking.

But if you think it’s wrong for a Christian to have fellowship with someone who bears false witness, supports LGBTQ whatever, and doesn’t stand up for the nuclear family….then why stand with Trump?

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Thank you, Jonathan, for admitting to “ignoring the claim that started the discussion.” Isn’t it wonderful when you do the very same thing for which you call others out? We’ll add red herrings to the list of stuff you like to throw out as responses. Hey, a few more of those, and your clapping, barking seal (Clay Crouch) just might waddle over looking for a meal! But since you’re all of a sudden concerned with Christian principles, I’ll indulge you for a moment. As of this writing, there are 58 comments on this post — 19 of which are yours.… Read more »

4 years ago

Mr. TCFKAfp: 👍👍👍👍👍

4 years ago

So far as I can tell your only concrete accusation is that I posted too much. If there’s some sort of limit for words, it’s clearly not one we hold others to (including the host). I do take my time and read carefully before responding.

If you do think that Biblical edicts about speech should govern our behavior here, then do remember, “A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

So far as you can tell. Now there’s a laugh. Still not quick to listen, I see.

You’re still “ignoring the claim that started the discussion” — which is exactly what you accused another poster of doing.

“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” -James 1:8.

Just thought I’d throw out another Christian principle for you to ponder while you’re filling your role as Official Tar Baby.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Jonathan, this is a Christian blog. The rub is that folks today don’t know anything about Christ in our national politics, our families, our churches, our businesses or our local government.

I hope that helps you.

4 years ago

Question for Jonathan:
Is your assignment to this blog considered a “backwater” or is it higher up the food chain than that?
Once again encouraged by all the blowback. Someone is worried.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ginny

I’ve been posting here longer than you have, I believe. At least I don’t recognize your name from back when I started. And there are multiple well-known, well-respected posters who know me off-blog too. Just because I occasionally don’t log on for months or years at a time doesn’t mean I’m new.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ginny


I can confirm, Jonathan has been here since the old old days. Way before you came around. Of course you may not recognize that I have also been around much longer than you (or FP, or JP) but not as long as Jane and Jill and Jonathan and JohnM to give a few Js.

This place used to host some good conversations. It has since become a clownish echo chamber. I’m not sure why Jonathan keeps at it (probably out of love), but he behave far better than his critics (I say that though I often disagree with him).

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
4 years ago
Reply to  demosthenes1d

Demo & Jonathan,

Where did Ginny ask about duration of assignment?

Both of you “seem to have completely ignored the question” Ginny was asking.

That was a Jonathan quote, by the way (#234794). Which is yet another demonstration of Jonathan chiding others for exactly that which he himself does.

Demo, if you consider that sort of behavior better than one’s critics, then I have a bridge to sell you. What you do with the trolls under that bridge is completely up to you.

4 years ago

Mr. TCFKAfp:

4 years ago

Ginny, “Question for Jonathan: Is your assignment to this blog considered a “backwater” or is it higher up the food chain than that? Once again encouraged by all the blowback. Someone is worried.” cfkaFP, (Mr.?) (Mrs.?) To Ginny’s question and statement, I doubt J’ is “assigned” to this blog, I suspect he is here primarily for emotional reasons, and the expression of same, which is not to say he is irrational, although he might be wrong on some points. J’ does stick to the “never grant your opponents major premise” principle, which is why he often inserts verbose red herrings… Read more »

We Be Libtards
We Be Libtards
4 years ago
Reply to  Adad

Good job, Zero. You’re my hero. I aspire to be as good a humble Christian as you are.

“God sees every ones’ words (even here) and associated deeds. And what with me being a creature and all, I’m actually OK with mine,…”

“…because in my professional life, every one (sic) has the wherewithal to be doing something productive. ; – )”

If the Apostle Paul knew you, I’m sure he would have lifted you up as an example for us all. As it is, he was reduced to pointing toward Jesus. Pity.

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  We Be Libtards

Do you smell that? Do you smell that? That’s self righteousness. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of self righteousness in the morning! It smells like – victory!

4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

So Croucho, what does actual righteousness smell like? Or look like?


Do tell. 😏

4 years ago
Reply to  We Be Libtards

Hey lib,

Yet another free pro tip!

“..though always looking to do better.”

Your omission was very CNN.

Apparently I am not the only creature who should be looking to do better! 😏

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  We Be Libtards


It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

We Be Libtards
We Be Libtards
4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

The free pro tips make it all worthwhile.

4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Again, at least there is no spit.

4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch


Your expression of your own aspirational analogies is quite telling.

Let’s hope you don’t have any pets.

4 years ago
Reply to  We Be Libtards

Mr. Libtards: 👍👍👍👍👍

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