Let Us Be Called Jerubbubbles

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Cultural shifts are accomplished, or prevented, by various policing actions. I am not here referring to the cops, although they are sometimes part of it. But I am referring to the rigorous imposition of sanctions. Those sanctions could involve fines, denial of tenure, loss of vocation, restriction of liberty, etc.gideon

Whenever old gods are being jettisoned, and new gods are being imposed, this is done by means of sanctions. And during the transition, although the debate circles around whether you believe in the old or new gods, the actual debate revolves around whether or not you believe in the sanctions. If you believe in the sanctions, and conform to whatever the sanctions require, you can do this without at all believing in the gods represented by them. Your grandchildren will believe in those gods, but they only do so because you believed in the sanctions.

So when someone undertakes to change something about the culture, he either does something and nothing happens in response, or he does something and something happens in response. When Gideon first provoked a reformation in Israel, he did so against marked resistance. His opponents (his neighbors) tried to make something happen, but Gideon’s father faced them down. Under instructions from the Lord, Gideon had torn down the altar to Baal at his own house, toppled the Asherah pole next to it (Judges 6:25-28), and had taken a chainsaw to the grove. What happened then?

“And they said one to another, Who hath done this thing? And when they inquired and asked, they said, Gideon the son of Joash hath done this thing. Then the men of the city said unto Joash, Bring out thy son, that he may die: because he hath cast down the altar of Baal, and because he hath cut down the grove that was by it. And Joash said unto all that stood against him, Will ye plead for Baal? will ye save him? he that will plead for him, let him be put to death whilst it is yet morning: if he be a god, let him plead for himself, because one hath cast down his altar. Therefore on that day he called him Jerubbaal, saying, Let Baal plead against him, because he hath thrown down his altar” (Judges 6:29–32).

Gideon rejected Baal, but more to the point of the story, Joash rejected the sanctions. And Gideon got a new name out of the deal—Jerubbaal, meaning that Baal could take it up with Gideon if Baal were inclined to defend his own honor.

And this is what Christians need to start doing in our day, rejecting the sanctions, laughing at them. This whole tide of political correctness is a tsunami of bubbles—the actual content of this worldview is beyond parody. It is a massive wall of cascading froth. But their sanctions are as real as sanctions ever have been. So we should reject the right and authority of the devotees to police us, and issue a challenge to the gods of egalitarianism directly. We must insist that the bubbles themselves deal with our understandable recalcitrance. Let us henceforth be called Jerubbubbles.

Those who would discipline us in the name of their lunacies are in deadly earnest, and if they succeed in getting us to fear their sanctions, it will be our fault and our responsibility if our grandchildren fear their gods. But the only way for us to prevent our descendants from fearing their gods is for us to laugh at their sanctions.

So we really need to laugh at Title Whine, and anything that rhymes with Title Whine. This is not to laugh at the idea of women competing in athletics, for the bubble gods have already destroyed that by letting tranny men compete with the women. What happened is that Title IX was weaponized, and put into the service of the snowflake army. And so everything about our culture-wide warp spasm of incoherence needs to get one response from us, and one response only, which is that of the sanctified horse laugh. All of it—safe spaces, self-identification as fill-in-the-blank, puppies, PlayDoh therapy, coloring books, pronoun buttons . . . ah, had you not heard of the pronoun buttons?

PGPs are now a thing. What are your preferred gender pronouns? Prepare yourself for some future social mixer, where you are invited to wear a little button that notifies people you meet what pronouns you would prefer to go by. He and she are of course still acceptable (for now), but there is a long chain of new ones that go straight down the rabbit hole. I myself want my pronouns to always be in the accusative—never he, just him. That way I can save up all the pronouns that are not used of me during the day, come home after work, sit on the back deck, pop open a drink, and say them out loud myself. He! He! He!

To some this might seem disrespectful, but I really don’t see how that can be. I don’t self-identify as disrespectful. Catch me if you can. We can do this all day if you like.

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Bradley Schmehl
8 years ago

Douglas Wilson: the Calvinist Chesterton!

8 years ago

Years ago Alaska Airlines would place a small paper on first class meal trays that quoted a psalm. Of course they did away with that practice. Recently while perusing an Alaskan airlines magazine I came across an article about a Seattle youth who preferred to be addressed as “they”, since “they” refused to identify as male or female.

Just occurred to me that “they” would feel comfortable in restrooms on Alaska jets as they are coed. None ed? Edless?

8 years ago

“I don’t self-identify as disrespectful.”
Oh, I am sooooo going to use that.

"A" dad
"A" dad
8 years ago
Reply to  Capndweeb

Or, “Disrespectful!?”
“Respect speaks for its self, and respect has said no such thing! With respect to your opinion!”

Duells Quimby
Duells Quimby
8 years ago
Reply to  Capndweeb

You should, I saw a bro turn a tirade from a SJW who was castigating him about the Patriarchy by replying, “Did you just assume my gender??” :) We could go on all night! Feet firmly planted in the air.

8 years ago
Reply to  Duells Quimby

LOL! I’m envisioning using the phrase “Did you just assume my gender?” with this avatar.

Duells Quimby
Duells Quimby
8 years ago
Reply to  Capndweeb


8 years ago

Cultural shifts are accomplished, or prevented, by various policing actions.

Or, in other words, Culture is downstream from power.

Laughter isn’t enough if you want to reject capital punishment, as Joash did. You’d better have an army, or at least a gang.

8 years ago
Reply to  ashv

ashv wrote: Or, in other words, Culture is downstream from power. Laughter isn’t enough if you want to reject capital punishment, as Joash did. You’d better have an army, or at least a gang. Culture is only downstream from power if we are talking about God’s power. If cultural victory was downstream from earthly power, then God would not have had Gideon continually reduce his fighting forces against the Midianites. God was teaching a very different lesson. Recall that God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the wise and powerful. In Christ, God has specifically chosen… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  katecho

I disagree that it was a different lesson. The Midianite defeat was still a military defeat, even if accomplished in a miraculous and unusual way.

Was Gideon wrong to knock down that altar? Should the kings of Israel have torn down the high places and Asherah poles? Or should the blame for Israel’s idolatry be given to the priests and Levites for poor preaching?

Power is not the sole determinant of culture, certainly. But it’s clear which direction the effects go.

Kilgore T. Durden
Kilgore T. Durden
8 years ago

Don’t call cross dressing, transgendered. They are mentally ill.

Don’t call perverts, LGBT. They are not a community.

Don’t call infanticide, abortion. It is murder.

Don’t call evolution serious science. It is secular propaganda.

Don’t treat atheism as intellectually serious. It is laughably incoherent.

Gotcha, Pastor Wilson. Thanks for the advice.

8 years ago

The words you are looking for, sir, are:
Infanticide (stick with it; or you could go with generational genocide)
Secular religion masquerading as pseudo-science
Yeah…let’s go with intellectual incoherence. Good one.


Ginny Yeager
Ginny Yeager
8 years ago

Like oil running down the beard is this post. Weighty, but too fun. Praise God for His gifts to men.

The social engineering generals play dirges and we mourn, they play jigs and we dance, all the while distracting us from the RAGING battle front of what they are doing to the least among us, our children, and who they wish to have us worship–not at all unlike Gideon’s time. I asked God to show me who are the Bulls of Bashan that I sing about in the Psalms and He has answered in spades.

8 years ago

My preferred pronouns are His Highness and Your Majesty.
I will be posting a paypal account so that I might collect the tribute due My Awesomeness

8 years ago
Reply to  Nord357

All very well, but you need a couple of adjectives. I recommend Your Serene Highness, Your Royal Majesty, and Your Ineffable and Indescribable Awesomeness.

8 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Sold! You are my new minister of truth!

Steve Perry
Steve Perry
8 years ago

Somethings been torn down in our sanctuarys, and the arch enemy of God is laughing. A very symbol of our created sexuality. But lets stand up to the world?

"A" dad
"A" dad
8 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

Steve, what has been torn down in your sanctuary?

Are you in your sanctuary building “it” back up?

Bro. Steve
Bro. Steve
8 years ago

The sanctions ain’t so funny when you’re a baker and the Bubble/Snowflakes have sued you out of your living.

They won’t be so funny again when Christian people wish to adopt a child and find themselves in a crack between helping the kid and having to give Baal’s answers for the social worker’s home study questions.

Just sayin’….

8 years ago
Reply to  Bro. Steve

Certainly not, but what would you suggest instead?

Bro. Steve
Bro. Steve
8 years ago
Reply to  Arwenb

I’m very seldom a critic of Bro. Doug’s suggestions for cultural engagement, but in this case, laughing at the follies of the heathen might not be the best strategy. A monkey with a gun is funny in the movie, but if it’s in your house, the funny goes away. A more serious approach to defending against the threat might be better.

Ginny Yeager
Ginny Yeager
8 years ago
Reply to  Bro. Steve

DW has paid a pretty hefty price for his opposition to statists and Newspeak—not to the point of losing his job, but I’m guessing he has probably come to terms with that possibility. Yet he’s still having fun. Humor (especially sarcasm) is VERY effective in this battle. It causes the Adversary to lose it and reveal himself (the priests of Baal go ape when Elijah taunts them, the Pharisees abuse the blind man who goads them–John 9). It shows our trust in Providence (Rich Mullins paraphrasing Ps 2, “The Lord in heaven laughs, He knows what is to come). It… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Bro. Steve

Obviously, different responses for different situations are called for. Is there anything in the main post which would suggest this is not the case?

8 years ago
Reply to  Arwenb

I suspect the answer looks a lot like “parallel institutions”.