Legislating Sunshine

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It is starting to look as though he might be doing it all on purpose.

Many years ago, William Simon commented that right wingers are prone to conspiracy theories precisely for this reason — it seems apparent to them that the destructive nature of the proposed policies A, B, and C are evident to all, and so, when the policies are pursued anyway, come hell or high water, it must be because they, the perpetrators, are trying to take down the republic on purpose. William Simon understood this perspective until he got to the highest levels of power, only to discover that the liberals running around loose up there really did not have a clue. They really did not understand the basics of governance. They were legislating sunshine, and who could be against that?

But at some point, you gotta wonder . . .

Let’s string them together, shall we? The president wouldn’t be caught dead bowing to the Queen of England, for she is Anglo, but acts like Steppin Fetchitt when introduced to any royalty of color. We have a terrorist act at Fort Hood, the first on American soil in 8 years, and since a terrorist attack would be inconvenient, he refuses to call it that. Right after this terrorist attack, his attorney general announces that five fire-eating terrorists were being moved from Cuba to NYC in order to receive a civilian trial. Not to worry, Holder reassured us . . . it won’t be a fair trial — the results are already in. It will be a show trial, for the attorney general has already guaranteed us the convictions. We will show the rest of the world that fair trials in America necessarily result in convictions. But in the meantime, the trial will be enough of a circus to make the OJ trial look like a textbook sample of modesty and decorum. Trillions of dollars have been spewing from Washington like there was no tomorrow, because there probably isn’t. He wants to ram health care through the Senate regardless of what anybody with a calculator thinks about it.

It begins to appear that he doesn’t care if his is a failed presidency, just so long as the country fails along with him. The pilot doesn’t mind if he goes down, just so long as the plane goes down with him. Is this a suicide bomber president? If so, it wouldn’t be nihilism; this is basic left wing ideology. A new order will rise out of the chaos, as this secular utopianism has it. Things have to get better. A phoenix will arise out of the ashes. It has never worked before, but it probably will this time.

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