Illegal in Some States

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“Husbands are prohibited from bluster, bossing about, selfish grasping, and all the rest of it, but the Bible nevertheless requires wives to obey their husbands. This obedience is to be cheerful, complete, reverent, all the way down, and across the board. Remember that in our passage St. Paul tells wives to be subject to their husbands “in every thing.” Now I am fully aware that in our current cultural climate this is a perfectly outrageous thing to say and teach. It may even be illegal in some states. This is too bad, because the grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of the Lord endures forever. You have heard the qualifications about this many times — no human authority is absolute, and if your husband commands you to break God’s law, then you must (submissively) decline to do so. But this is almost never where the problem is” (For a Glory and a Covering, pp. 117-118).

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