Hold Your Peace: ICYMI

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So, then, there is this little side activity of mine that shows up in public from from time to time, and which would seem to require some explanation.

The Jenny Geddes Band is a group of friends that like music as much as I do, and which has a floating, inchoate, but very loyal membership. The band is named after the stalwart Scottish woman who threw her milking stool at the head of the minister when he attempted to introduce Anglican forms of prayer at St. Giles Cathedral in 1637. When she threw the stool, she yelled, “De’il gie you colic, the wame o’ ye, fause thief; daur ye say Mass in my lug?” which was a quaint way of expressing the pious wish that the devil would give the minister colic in the stomach, for he was a false thief, who dared to say Mass in her ear. None of this was printed beforehand in the bulletin, and it all led to the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. She needs more things named after her, and so we obliged.

But I got distracted. The Jenny Geddes Band is pleased to announce that we have released the song Hold Your Peace, and a video to accompany it. The theology contained within the song is of the thick oatmeal porridge kind that Jenny would approve, and which she no doubt fed to her bairns. It is available at iTunes here.

And here are the lyrics, for those who have complaints about my enunciation. If enough ask for it, we might produce a study guide for use in your Sunday School classes . . .

Esau was the first born son . . .
But Jacob was the chosen one.
Sold his birthright for his hunger . . .
And the older one shall serve the younger.

Good Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart
We want to take up Pharaoh’s part.
Lift him up just to bring him down,
And the whole Egyptian army drowned.

Oh, what do you say?
Oh, what do you say?
Hold your peace, rebellious pot,
The Lord is God and you are not.

Judas kept the common purse . . .
Judas went from bad to worse.
Thirty pieces, silver crumbs.
So woe to that man through whom it comes!

Pilate, Herod, all the Jews
They all did what they would choose
What did all the seers foretell?
So here was born true Israel.

Oh, what do you say?
Nothing but clay . . .
Hold your peace, rebellious pot,
The Lord is God and you are not.

Die is cast, its wisdom stored;
Its every tumble from the Lord.
A man’s way in his heart is kept,
But God will still direct his steps.

You say this gospel is stone cold,
But not when hearts are warm and bold!
So hold your peace, rebellious pot,
The Lord is God, and you are not.

Oh, what do you say?
Oh, what do you say?
Hold your peace, rebellious pot,
The Lord is God and you are not.

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David Paul Regier
David Paul Regier
9 years ago

Is there a case to be made for exclusive bluesody?

9 years ago

Quality stuff all the way around. Great job. Bravo!

Walt Everly
Walt Everly
9 years ago

Love it! Christian music I can dig. The baseball bats are a good touch, but would have preferred a 12-gauge…

Valerie (Kyriosity)
9 years ago

Hmmm…they smash all the RED pots, but the WHITE pot Luke makes survives. Racism! Watch out, Clint!

9 years ago

Good stuff, pastor. Shameless plug here, but I have a little project on youtube as well. Just some catechism and bible verse songs all posted in their entirety if anyone cares. Little side project done in my dining area. Peace. – Nate
http://youtu.be/Rsx44J73CbQ – some less kid oriented stuff

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 years ago

Cool. Love the visual allusions to Rom. 9, though breaking some china along with flowerpots would have been more egalitarian. Might have been good to have some representing honorable use too. Still, bravo.

Clint Hughes
9 years ago

Valerie, you are incredibly perceptive. ;-)

Dan Glover
9 years ago

This video might also become the rallying point for those who believe the church should oppose legalization or normalization of pot use.

Mike Bull
9 years ago

Aw, I was expecting rap!

Don Shorey
9 years ago

Would you good folks put these words of mine to a fitting tune and bring them musically to life? :) I Hang up My Bow (I Come in Peace) Don Shorey With a heart of grief / Water crushed the land In the cleansing sweep / Of a holy hand An ark of hope / Upon the rage Offered life / For a promised age At His Word / The floods abate / A promise made / He Recreates Chorus: I hang up My bow / In a promise of peace The one flood I’ll pour / Will be His… Read more »

9 years ago

Great song, but why such fast cutting on the video? That was actually painful to watch.

9 years ago

Fuss, fuss, fuss. This was outstanding from start to finish.

9 years ago

If you want to keep the Scottish connection, change it from “Hold you peace” to “Hadge ya weeshd”. It means the same thing & scans pretty well.

9 years ago

Excellent. Just excellent. I’d hate to face this group in a battle of the bands. A softball game, on the other hand, and I think we could take them.

9 years ago

I dunno. I’ve seen Doug pitch.☺️

David Axberg
9 years ago

Well Done and Amen and amen. Hopefully the church softball team plays in the bar league.. ;-)

doug sayers
doug sayers
9 years ago

Poor ol’ Esau. Just another reprobate born to be smashed. Oh well, who art thou O man, that repliest against Westminster?

Jay Niemeyer
Jay Niemeyer
9 years ago

RC Jr, compliments appreciated. However…. the softball *crack really hurt. ;)

Eric Stampher
Eric Stampher
9 years ago

So you identify with the lady who didn’t like those religious, extra Biblical forms foisted upon the folk?!

Aye — but then ye go and require parroting of your own religious extra Biblical vows before ye’ll receive folks fully into your midst!

The pot throws itself at the kettle, for being so black.

9 years ago

Wonderful song! If only more Christian music sounded like this… Keep up the good work. My 2 year old was chanting “pot, not, pot, not” by the end.

Dan Glover
9 years ago

ReformedCE, My prediction in my comment above is coming true then, at least among 2 year olds. And you are hearing him/her wrong: they are chanting “not pot, not pot…” :-)

Chris Duncan
9 years ago

Sproul’s discussion of “God’s sovereignty and the problem of evil”: “Surely the most difficult question of all is how evil can coexist with a God who is both altogether holy and altogether sovereign…Then, as now, I realized that evil was a problem for the sovereignty of God…We know that man was created with a free will and that man freely chose to sin…The mystery of sin is tied to our understanding of free will, man’s state in creation, and God’s sovereignty. The question of free will is so vital to our understanding of predestination that we will devote an entire… Read more »

Trey Jadlow
Trey Jadlow
9 years ago

Well done, Pastor Wilson….it took me a while to perceive that this song is so much more than a dainty burr from Romans 9, but I got it. It started when I saw the vulgar links to the right of the video. I initially thought that your nemises had cleverly infiltrated, but then realized it was the work of the author….very clever. Jenny’s stool has been lobbed; let’s see if anyone notices….;)

Dave Light
Dave Light
9 years ago

It’s 3 AM and I am on Highway 8 intersecting with Highway 1 in Rosedale or I am on Highway 61 in Clarksdale. The AM radio preacher is giving me hell fire and brimstone and I am reminded that Mississippi Fred “do not play no rock n roll” and Son House sang about “John the Revelator”. Later there comes a picture in my mind of the old T-shirt saying “There is a God and you are not Him.” A fantastic reminder that there is not a thumbs width that Jesus is not Lord over. Many thanks for creating a fabulous… Read more »

Bert Perry
9 years ago

Somehow I am thinking they (apart from the ladies of course) are going to end up growing their beards out much longer and getting guitars that spin on their belt buckles. Does that work with the regulative principle? :^)

9 years ago

“And here are the lyrics, for those who have complaints about my enunciation. If enough ask for it, we might produce a study guide for use in your Sunday School classes . . .”
Ok then, could you produce a Sunday School study guide???

Kris Catherman
Kris Catherman
4 years ago

I love this song! Bravo!

Joshua Ingersoll
Joshua Ingersoll
9 months ago

My kids ask for this to be played almost daily. Good, solid stuff!