Flags, Fireworks, and Fun

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“In my experience, those who are most ambivalent or cynical about patriotic pieties—flags, fireworks, and fun—are most likely to support the abuses of statist power when the state is attempting to become some jitney god in the lives of the citizens. But those who wave the flag at the parade and eat their hot dogs afterward are most likely to recognize that the government has gotten itself way out of line” (Empires of Dirt, pp. 26-27).

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Christian Histo
Christian Histo
8 years ago

That may be true in general…. but this freedom loving pro-lifer stopped flying the flag a while ago. I think it stands for too much evil for me to take pleasure in it. Until we give up some of our most prominent sins, I no longer take pride in my nation.

"A" dad
"A" dad
8 years ago

Any position on hot dogs?


Christian Histo
Christian Histo
8 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

No problems with hot dogs. But I might refuse to eat them on the July 4 just out of principle.