Denethor in the Oval Office

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One of the amazing things about our president is that he will move heaven and earth to avoid saying something like “Islamic extremism.” When it comes to being PC, he is the utter frozen limit. He is out there by himself on the tundra. He has gathered up every liberal bromide, every pious political platitude, every cheesy sentiment ever uttered by a bouncy camp counselor at a United Methodist youth ranch, and made a huge pyre out of all them, where it is beginning to look like he is going to immolate himself, just like Denethor.

Since when is the president supposed to pronounce on what is and what is not the “true” heart of any religion? Since when did he become the theologian-in-chief? He doesn’t want to use the word Islamic because he doesn’t want the ISIS psychopaths to have the satisfaction of seeing us recognize the religious element in what they are doing. But if you want to read some bracing good sense on the subject, as distinguished by that crawling green mist coming from the State Department, I recommend this.

Secularism wants to run the world, and yet secularism does not know what religion even is. Secularism does not know what men are, and this is why they do not know what evil men are. Putting it all together, this is why they do not know what evil religions are, and why they are so attractive to sinful men.

This ISIS caliphate has come into being because men need for their lives to mean something. The best that secularism can offer is an abstract system that sees us as undulating protoplasm, moist and confused carriers of our selfish genes, which all know exactly what they want. And then you die.

The Allah of ISIS is a blasphemous parody of the triune God, but from a distance it has provided enough transcendental dazzle to begin to attract a number of lost boys from the West. Turns out that cocaine and Playboy are not a marching creed, and men eventually need to march.

We have come to a crossroads that divides into three paths. One sign says that Evolution is god, and time is its blind prophet. The second says that Allah is God, and Muhammad is his prophet. The third says that God is the Father, and Jesus is His Son.

And it also appears that God is insisting that we make our choice, and take the consequences. As for me and my house, the path we are on is the one that follows Jesus.

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Keith LaMothe
Keith LaMothe
10 years ago

I daresay the comparison is a slander on Denethor, who at least minced no words concerning the Haradrim and similar foes.

But I suppose he’s had to endure worse.

Doug Lloyd
Doug Lloyd
10 years ago

Thanks pastor Wilson.

Gandalf the Grey
Gandalf the Grey
10 years ago

I do not doubt that you love God and long to see His kingdom come. But I have cause – which you obligingly provide in this article – that you don’t have the slightest idea of how to bring that about. Let us suppose that you had the power to bring about what you apparently want: a president that calls a spade a spade. Is that not the general drift of your argument? ISIS is Islam writ large. Islam is a bloody perpetrator of unreasoned violence and ignorance. Islam is the blasphemous perversion of the One True God. It is… Read more »

10 years ago

Gandalf the Grey,

It appears the general argument drifted over your head. Try reading it again, but this time only what is actually there.

Eric Stampher
Eric Stampher
10 years ago

I copied & printed this for memorization:
men need for their lives to mean something. The best that secularism can offer is an abstract system that sees us as undulating protoplasm, moist and confused carriers of our selfish genes, which all know exactly what they want. And then you die.

9 years ago

The Allah of ISIS is a blasphemous parody of the triune God –> The Allah of Islam is a blasphemous parody of the triune God.

9 years ago

I just read Tuchman’s The Guns of August (and loved it). You’ll have to remind me, Gandalf, which part of the book showed that “Careless words can lead to conflicts.”