I could easily envision a time when vr is used in which students could come from al over and be in a virtual classroom with other classmates and the room could be modified to the teacher’s wishes.
Seth B.
11 years ago
One suggestion: I would make the class times more than 90 seconds long. I think the kids would get more out of it that way.
I could easily envision a time when vr is used in which students could come from al over and be in a virtual classroom with other classmates and the room could be modified to the teacher’s wishes.
One suggestion: I would make the class times more than 90 seconds long. I think the kids would get more out of it that way.
I dunno, Seth…I prolly learned more in that 90 seconds than I did in most of my high school classes.
I’m with Valerie, ..it’s a wonder I think at all…as the song says!!
Looks great!!!
Seth, it only seems like 90 seconds because of digital compression.
Is there an age limit on who can enroll?