A Quick Explanation

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Given how many institutions have been going the squish route on all matters homosexual, it is perhaps understandable that Pulpit & Pen took us to task over the fact that Andrew Klavan is speaking for our Called conference next week. Called is hosted by New St. Andrews, and is a Christian worldview conference that we hold for high school kids. Andrew Klavan a writer and conservative political commentator who was invited to speak on abortion, given his role with the screenplay for the Gosnell movie. But the P&P article picked up on the fact that Klavan is also something of a libertarian when it comes to issues like gay marriage.

Ben Merkle, the president of NSA, has written a response to Pulpit & Pen, which I hope they will publish, but I thought it would be good to briefly mention just a couple of the more important points from his letter here. Andrew Klavan is a pro-life speaker who is going to be speaking to our kids about abortion. He is also going to be participating on a panel, a “disputatio” on the biblical ethic of sexuality, in which a representative of our college will show how abortion is a cornerstone of the entire sexual revolution, and that all these issues are actually just one issue. Is Jesus to be Lord of our sexual lives or not?

One other thing to note is that the headline at Pulpit & Pen reflects a common misunderstanding. Contrary to many reports, I am not sitting on the top of Moscow, pulling all the strings. I am happy to pass on what NSA is doing in this, but that is what I am doing.

Also, FYI, in 2017, I selected Klavan’s testimony as my book of the month. You can read that review here. It is a great book.

The bottom line is that New St. Andrews, when it comes to the biblical sexual ethic, is not even a little bit wobbly. Fret not.