A Bit More on Mercy Rule

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You can now see the trailer for Mercy Rule over in my sidebar. I can honestly say that if you schedule this for your family movie night, you will have an edifying blast together. I don’t go in for spoilers here, but I will say that there is an A story and a B story — the A story is the father’s battle with the bad guys who are trying to shut down his business, and the B story has to do with the son’s desire to pitch for his team. The two stories wend their way together by the end in quite a satisfying way. And I should say that the way I came into having seen it already is that Nate was the screenwriter for it. If you like his turn of mind when it comes to story-telling, you will like this.

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11 years ago

I haven’t been impressed with films in this Christian sub-genre before, and the trailer didn’t grab me a whole lot, so I was skeptical and curious as to why you were flagging it.
But then you mentioned Nate.  Now I must watch.  Nate gets Story.  Plus, he’s got some GKC in his DNA. 
You did all right on that boy.

11 years ago

If you ever get the chance to see the movie, The Dark at the Top of the Stairs, Robert Preston, Angela Landsbury, do so. It has four storylines and it is the best movie I have ever seen on resisting the temptation for adultery.

11 years ago

We watched it as a family tonight by streaming. It was enjoyable, some scenes funny, acting was fine, story was good.  It avoided Christian movie cliches and presented a counter narrative to mainstream films.   Some scenes could have used some shortening but overall good. 

11 years ago

I’m going to watch this film: thanks for the heads up.   Christians need to give these types of films a chance.  True, a lot of truly awful “Christian” movies have come out in the past: but I think this is changing, and the folks trying to step it up need our support. 

11 years ago

We certainly plan to watch it. Glad to hear that Nate is screenwriting. I think his fiction is very visual and it always strikes me that he’s thinking more of film than book as he writes so should be a ‘natural’ for the screen. Go, Nate!