Even Looked Upon As Lawful

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“And that fellow is certainly well aware that he is lying shamelessly; but because men like that have made up their minds to attack us in any way they can, they think that they have the right to blab about us anything that can stir up ill will against us. And, of course, when they already know very well that they have no reasons for doing so unless it be to make fools of the wretched multitude along with themselves, it is no wonder that they abuse the refuge that they really need. But whatever they may have been disposed to invent for themselves, even without excuse, it ought not to have gained the credence it has straightaway. It is, however, such a common thing that it is even looked upon as lawful. If I were to recall all the stupid and ridiculous nonsense that they have uttered about me, the danger is that I may involve myself in their absurdities. I merely say this: if it be established as a law among us that the more unrestrained and shameless the lies of our enemies be the worse the cause of the gospel may be, and its credibility decline by the same extent, it is not because such hostile judges complain that a scandal is put in their way but because they show that they desire it of their own accord. But we may be permitted to say fearlessly with Paul, ‘If any man is ignorant let him be ignorant’ (1 Cor. 14:38)” (Calvin, Concerning Scandals, p. 91).

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