Two or Three Witnesses/Flags Out Front

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So then, it is not often you get word (all in one day) that a book of yours has gotten itself reviewed in two different magazines. Naturally enough, I took this as a sign, and hastened to my computer in order to tell you all about it. What is it a sign of? Well, these things can be hard to decipher, but the best analysts tell us that it probably means that you are supposed to buy and read it, and then give it as a birthday gift to the five people who are closest to you. Like I said, we can’t be certain, but I do think it is best to be safe.

Here are the reviews, along with a link to each magazine respectively.

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Marvin Olasky in World:

Douglas Wilson’s Flags Out Front (Canon Press, 2017) is an amusing novel with a P.G. Wodehouse flair that will delight those depressed by the sight of Christians perpetually playing defense. The hero is an apparently milquetoastish Christian college president who providentially becomes a media target and turns out to (a) have guts, (b) rake in the contributions, (c) brilliantly turn the tables on journalistic assassins, and (d) get the (incredibly beautiful) girl. No sex, violence, or bad language.

Jon Dykstra in Reformed Perspective:

Douglas Wilson has crafted a novel that fits with this year’s Reformation 500 celebrations even though it’s set in modern day. Flags Out Front asks, what if a Christian leader took a stand on principle and, no matter what pressure came, just would not back down? What might happen if, instead of wilting under that pressure, he fought back fearlessly?

Now, like Luther, Tom Collins didn’t set out to cause a fuss. This “mild mannered president of a dwindling southern” Bible college arrives on campus one day to find a prankster has swapped a couple of the flags at the campus entrance. Instead of the American flag flying above all, the Christian flag now waves from on high, with the Stars and Stripes just below. Collins doesn’t know quite what to think. But, upon reflection, he concludes the change is a good one and leaves it.

Then the phone calls start coming. Conservatives, patriotic sorts, wonder why the flag is not in its central place. And he hears from the other side too, from those who would be happy enough to burn the flag, but don’t want to see it waving below a Christian flag. Protests to the right, threats from the left, and Collins quietly stands his ground. Flags Out Front is great fun, and encouraging too.

My name is Douglas Wilson, and I approve these summaries.