Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Dense. Thorough. Balanced. Eye-opening. Magnificent.
Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Dense. Thorough. Balanced. Eye-opening. Magnificent.
Doug, I don’t read much Sowell anymore, but when I do, I still generally tend to agree with him. In addition to countless of his columns, I’ve also read a couple of his books (on economics and immigration). I got turned on to him back in my “dittohead” days — when I discovered Rush Limbaugh in the early ’90s, early on in his meteoric rise to 500+ stations. We took Rush up on his advertisements for the Conservative Chronicle, a weekly compendium of syndicated conservative pundits, one of whom was Sowell. FF about 10 years. At one of Credenda /… Read more »
I can’t say with certainty, but it seems likely that Thomas Sowell is Catholic.
Non-Catholics tend not to use the term, “two thousand year old church”. It is also possible that, ten years ago, Wilson and/or Wilkins did not consider Catholics to be Christians.
Sowell wrote for Crisis magazine for a year – including this prescient article from five years ago warning that Republicans who want to win elections should avoid the mushy middle.
Well, this doesn’t sound like someone who opposes or is antagonistic toward Christianity — even the Protestant stream (and even if the images on those Christmas cards were snowflakes or Santa):
It is likely that Wilson or Wilkins was using a definition of “Christian” that limited the use of the word only to a person who can point to his positive, public profession of the principal Protestant principles of Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura.
Are you sure it was Sowell and not Walter Williams in question? I don’t have specific references or even quotes, but I have a vague recollection of Williams getting in some digs at religious faith in that typical agnostic libertarian way that some unbelieving conservatives have.
COULD be, but I really thought it was Sowell. I can’t even recall the subject of that particular History Conference.
Doug, do you have any plans to review Jesus, Feminist by Sarah Bessey, a book calling for churches to start ordaining women (among other things)? It has a foreword by Rachel Held Evans, so it’s right in your wheelhouse. Plus, it’s gotten a powerful recommendation from your favorite Reformed hip hop artist, Propaganda. He rarely endorses books, but he tweeted that Jesus, Feminist is a “great book.” You’re a big fan of his. In fact, both you and your son were so impressd with Prop that your son made him the star of his short movie, The Hound… Read more »
Thomas Sowell is retiring as a columnist. Here is his last syndicated column and a farewell note.