Pull, Don’t Push

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Today’s happy news is that the next hard copy of Credenda is off to the printer this very day. This means that this is your second call to get yourself one. Go here to purchase this issue only.

And, if you have not done so, go here to subscribe to Canon’s newsletters generally (look to the lower left, where it says subscribe). This means (among other things) that you will receive electronic notification whenever the next issue of Credenda is at the ready-set-go stage. I will announce each publication here, of course, but — and I can scarcely credit this, though I am assured it is true — not everybody checks my blog every day. So don’t run the risk of missing out — subscribe to the newsletter.

We have gone to this system so that we know how many of each issue to print, and the early results have been promising. So make us even happier — go on, plonk down six cyber-bucks to find out why we have that bull on the cover.


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