Preaching & Teaching With Imagination

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Preaching and Teaching with Imagination Book Cover Preaching and Teaching with Imagination
Warren W. Wiersbe
Baker Books
February 1, 1997

No more dreary three-point sermon outlines! Wiersbe coaches preachers to creatively proclaim the living Word--so hearers experience God's truth changing their lives.

This was a good book, with a lot of good points, but I would criticize it the way Ambrose Bierce reviewed a book one time, by saying that its covers were too far apart. The book felt padded at times, and had it been leaner I think it would have been far more effective. That said, the content here about learning to cultivate imagination for pulpit ministry is very important. Too many ministers do very careful exegesis during the week in their study, and Sunday morning ascend the pulpit to give the coroner’s report.

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