Making the World Safe for Fornication

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“Peggy Noonan concluded after looking at public policy crusades during the twentieth century, that the real goal of every liberal movement is to ‘make the world safe for fornication.’ Get enough fornication going and you get a lot of people too frightened to approach God because of their guilt . . . As with the drug revolution of the sixties and seventies, the key to persuading people to experiment is to give the impression that everyone is already doing it and that some people are doing such bizarre things that what you do by comparison is okay. That is why the homosexual rights movement has been promoted and funded by Playboy magazine and other purveyors of heterosexual pornography. And why homosexual activists promote pornography of all types. Any breaking down of the barriers in one sector helps all the other forces of decadence make their case” (Robert Knight, The Age of Consent, p. 35-37).

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