Before the Dawning Sun

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Minister: Lift up your hearts!
Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord!

So then I cried with all my heart,
Hear me, oh Lord, I pray.
I will keep Your statutes pure,
Again I cry, please save me now,
And I will keep Your holy law.

I rose before the dawning sun,
And I cried out in hope,
My eyes before night watches here,
That I might meditate in truth.
Please hear in mercy all my cries.

Oh, Lord, come now and quicken me
According to Your word.
My enemies are drawing nigh,
They follow after mischief here,
They wander off, far from Your law.

But You are near, my Lord and God,
And Your commands are truth.
Concerning all Your words and laws,
I have known from olden times
That You forever spoke them here.

And so, gracious Father, we worship You now through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end, amen.

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