A Statement on Roe by the Presiding Minister of the CREC

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I am posting a CREC statement here on the overturning of Roe, a statement from our presiding minister of Council, Virgil Hurt.

Statement on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches
Presiding Minister of Council 
Pastor Virgil Hurt 

July 2, 2022

The CREC thanks God for the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the United States Supreme Court. 

While we know that this does not end the wicked carnage of abortion in the United States, we are grateful that in this decision God has answered fifty years of prayers by millions of His people, and that it will greatly reduce the number of abortions in our land. Praise be to God!

In light of this decision, the CREC reaffirms the sacred right to life given to us by God from conception to natural death. 

We call upon God’s people to continue to pray for national repentance for the slaughter of countless millions of preborn children. We also call upon our national and state leaders to affirm and promote a culture of life and to denounce and forbid the culture of death surrounding abortion on demand.

Christians have long been on the forefront of ministering to women and their babies in crisis pregnancies. This decision will increase our opportunities to proclaim the good news in Jesus Christ and to meet pressing needs, the very things the Church is called to do.

We know that this decision is going to cause much division in our land. 

We pray that the bitter fury now being expressed would spend itself quickly. 

We pray that God will grant wisdom to His people and that they will not return evil for evil.

We pray that God will bring peace and stability to our land. 

We pray that His will be done on earth, and in America, as it is in heaven.

Presiding Minister of Council

Virgil Hurt

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2 years ago


Peter Maxwell
Peter Maxwell
2 years ago

Truly God is amazing! Thank God for online services and masses, from Churches like https://lhhouston.church/watch-live/ near me that really reach out to all of us through all channels available!

2 years ago

This has got to be the lamest Statement i’ve read.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

I look forward to reading James’ much more profound and articulate statement. Please enlighten us with it. Or this the “Prince of Tides” logged into a different account?

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Lame by what standard?