Bumped to the top so that people can follow the comments/answers. I had made a comment on Twitter that no one had registered their concerns here. The problem with that comment is that I had forgotten to turn the comments on. The fault was entirely mine, but there was no guile in it—just incompetence. I …
Keep Plugging Away . . .
Faith Heeds
“I hold that faith was required, and it has always been the characteristic of true faith that it obeys. The only route to the work of obedience required in the garden (staying away from the tree) was to trust God, believing Him. True faith and works of obedience are never in opposition.”
Content Cluster Muster [12-14-23]
So Then . . .: That’s the Good Stuff: And more here. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: About Time: HT: Samuel Cherubin: And more here. Peter Mork Monsted Some Friends in Montana: New Church Near Glacier National Park Earlier this year, 4-5 households joined together to form Christ Canyon Fellowship in Northwest …
God Gracious, All the Time
“Obedience was required of Adam, but it was required in the context of grace. For a groom to turn to his bride right after the ‘you may kiss the bride’ part, jab. his palm with his forefinger and demand fidelity from her now would be grotesque. But to say this, as I do, doesn’t mean that I believe that her fidelity is somehow optional.”
Christian Nationalism: The Movie
Introduction: This was inevitable, I suppose. Rob Reiner financed and produced a movie called God & Country, a movie to warn us all about the impending threat called Christian nationalism. This somehow constituted a compelling invitation to erstwhile conservatives like David French and Russell Moore to clamber on board in order to help the secularists …
WIde of the Mark
[Response to Mid-America Reformed Seminary’s “Doctrinal Testimony Regarding Recent Errors”]
“The others on the list participate in overt misrepresentation, with varying degrees of high-handedness. The degrees of misrepresentation range from mild to jaw-dripping. This was an unbelievably shoddy bit of scholarship. This was atrocious. This was violation of the ninth commandment with a chainsaw.”
Do Your Christmas Shopping After You Post the Letter
Letter to the Editor: I think I was able to follow your argument in "Living faith has no side hustles." Justifying faith is alive from the moment God gives it as a gift. It rests on ...
The Ground of My Reluctance to Denounce Others
“In this controversy, multiple accusations have been entirely unreliable. I know this to be the case with regard to many aspects of my own teaching. Why should I drop everything and condemn my friends simply because they have been accused by the same unreliable people?”
Justifying Faith Has No Side Hustles
Introduction: Tom Hicks and Garrett Walden recently fired up their keyboards in order to interact with "the Moscow doctrine" on justification. Their article can be found here. The point of the article ...