Introduction: I am happy to announce an impending rapprochement on Federal Vision issues, albeit a rapprochement that is still surrounded with a few remaining confusions. I trust that I will be able ...
To Glorify Christ
Pentecost Sunday 2024: Sermon Video Introduction: The Holy Spirit has been active in the world since the creation of the world. He appears in the second verse of the Bible, for example, hovering ...
Walking Just LIke That
“The Westminster Confession says that the administration under Moses was gracious, and that it was [an] administration of the covenant of grace. So I take this (since me and the Westminster divines, we’re like that), wrap it around my neck, and go walking down the road like a two-year-old with his chin up and his chest out.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 741-742
C’est La Vie
WCF Slays
“ ‘These good works, done in obedience to God’s commandments, are the fruits and evidences of a true and lively faith . . .’ (WCF 16.2). Notice here that good works are the ‘fruits and evidences’ of a ‘true and lively’ faith. Liveliness in faith is not the evidence, but rather is something that needs to be evidenced. Put another way, those who separate liveliness from the essence of saving life, or who in any way make that life merely evidence, are out of accord with the Confession.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 731.
Is All Temptation Internal?
Steven Wedgeworth was kind enough to respond to my recent post on concupiscence, doing so here. As was true when I read his chapter in Ruined Sinners to Reclaim, I agreed with a lot of this response also. Two places where I would still differ. I don’t think that my (possible) difference with John Owen …
Content Cluster Muster [05-16-24]
Don’t Miss This Promo: Suspended Open Road: And more here. Basic Restaurant Duties: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Funny How That Works: HT: Samuel Cherubin: And Another Podcast Also: As it appears that some people are wanting to reheat the Federal Vision stuff, these two volumes contain all my blog posts on …
Same Motive, Different Actions
“You know, believe what God said faith. The verb is not the direct object. If God tells one man to hop on his right foot and another man to hop on his left foot, they both obey when they believe Him and do what He says. Same faith, different feet.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 730.
Justification and Concupiscence
Introduction: I was recently sent a copy of Ruined Sinners to Reclaim , a hefty book dedicated to a thorough treatment of total depravity. It looks marvelous. If you have any friends who are ...
All the Verses Belong to Everyone
“Traditional Calvinists take Romans. 9 straight up and use their exegetical funny business on John 15. Arminians take John 15 straight up and pull the funny business in Romans 9. FV Calvinists try to take both Romans 9 and John 15 straight up. I was talking to an Arminian gentleman one time (after all this FV business started), and he said something like, ‘Hey! What are you doing messing around with our verses?’”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 728