The Number of Chicken Bones is Irrelevant

“I have gone through enough theological paradigm shifts to know when it is happening. I used to be Arminian, and now am Calvinist. I used to be baptistic and now am paedobaptistic. I used to be premill and now am postmill. I have learned to recognize it when the scenery changes outside the car window. But I was brought up as an evangelical Christian, I am an evangelical now, and if the doctrine of perseverance is what I take it to be, I will die an evangelical. Bottom line, this means that I hold that a man must be born again, must be given a new heart, in order to see the kingdom of heaven. I don’t care how many chicken bones the priest threw in the air at his baptism. If he is not converted to God in his heart by the glorious gift of the Spirit, then he is going to Hell.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 760

The Right Word at the Right Time

“As I have maintained, clearly I do not want to substitute biblical language in for confessional language. I want confessional language, believing it to be necessary and edifying in its place. What I object to is the restriction that has been placed on using biblical language ever. So the question is not whether we use biblical language or confessional language. The issue is when we are to use each, because we must use each.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 758