Totus Lex

“Therefore, the Reformed tradition (the real one) holds that when describing what the law is, in all its parts and relations, we are talking about totus lex. And totus lex has a subordinate and honored place within the covenant of grace. Then Reformed historically have not held to a kind of radical dualism with law over here in stark opposition to grace over there.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 771

True Integration

“But there is a place of integration, a point where everything hangs together. In Christ, do law and grace meet in perfect harmony? If someone hates Christ, repelled by His aroma, do they recoil from both law and gospel, or from just one? In Christ, what do law and gospel do? According to the Westminster Confession, they do ‘sweetly comply’ with one another.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 770

Wiring It Right

“A minister is like a licensed electrician. He has to wire the room so that the lights work. But a child can flip on the lights. I want high standards for the theological electricians because this is the house of the Lord, and don’t want it to burn down. I want low standards (work with me here) for the people who live in the house. I want every three-year-old with curious fingers, and a rudimentary knowledge of cause and effect, to able to reach that light switch.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 765