God is very kind to us all, and His gospel of grace is presented to us in any number of ways. But there are three methods of gospel presentation which are very common according to Scripture. Remember that the word gospel translates a word which in Greek simply means “good news.” But we need to …
The Great Turnaround
Acts of the Apostles (21): Sermon Video Introduction: We come now to Luke’s first account of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus (there are three accounts total). Remember that Saul is not his ...
Should We Trust “Make America Healthy Again?” | Ask Doug
For Any Harm Done
“We also request a full and glad readiness
To forgive any others for sins they’ve committed
Against us—our names, reputations, or lives.”
21 Prayers, p. 47
Don’t Do What the Antisemites Do
“Boast not against the Jews. Boast not against the unbelieving Jews. Boast not against the Jews who were plotting against Paul. Any why? Because they still have a role to play. There is a reason why Paul says the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable (Rom. 11:29).”
American Milk and Honey, p. 136
Same Principle Though
The Rebellious Elect
“So how do you explain the Jews then? They were the elect nation (Is. 45:4), and they were expending more than a little energy trying to kill the apostle Paul, as they had in fact killed the Elect One of God (Isa. 42:1), their own Messiah. It sure seems like something had separated them from the love God.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 135
The Root Does the Supporting
“The Jews had stumbled because of a covenantal and ethnic presumption, and Paul cautions the Gentile Romans against committing the very same sin. What happened to the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem could certainly happen to the See of Rome. And why? Rome did not support the root, but rather the root Rome, and faith alone kept the sap flowing.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 135
What Money Will Do
“We know, our great Father, we cannot prevent
Money from doing what money will do,
But we can, in the meantime, be faithful stewards
With what You have given us, what You’ve bestowed.”
21 Prayers, p. 44
Content Cluster Muster [02-20-25]
Maybe West Texas: The Historic Reformed View of Scripture: And here is a new web site with resources toward that end . .. The Platonic Form of the Open Road: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: So It Begins: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Boon Kwang Featured Product: Proof as Moral Obligation:This book is dedicated …