Acts of the Apostles (17): Sermon Video Introduction: We have already looked at the overall theme of Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin, which is that God’s presence is not locked in a box ...
What Dragnets Do
“I ask that the dragnet of Your holy kingdom
Would sweep through our towns, hauling everything in—
Good fish and bad fish, beer bottles and weeds.”
21 Prayers, p. 3
The Church as Israel Reborn
“After the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, all they had left were their erroneous traditions. This is why modern Judaism is best considered a heresy of the Old Testament faith, and not a representation of it. To be a Christian is to maintain that the fulfillment of the Old Testament is in the Christ of the New Testament, and not in rabbinic Judaism.”
American Milk and Honey, pp. 64-65
Old School
A Gibbeted Christ
“He was killed, though the coming and faith one,
He died on a stake, a gibbeted Christ.
Distorted and bent on a twisted cross,
And by left-handed dealings, by subtle turns,
He turned all pious and correct expectations
Up on their heads; He tumbled them down.”
21 Prayers, pp. 1-2
One or the Other
“If the Jews are right and Jesus did not rise from the dead, then we Christians of all men are most to be pitied (1 Cor. 15:19). And if He did rise from the dead, then modern Judaism is an attempt to have a Messiah-based religion while leaving the Messiah out of it. But that is like, as the old illustration goes, putting on a production of Hamlet, and leaving out the prince of Denmark.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 64
My Dear Globguttle
I have not written much in the line of “inverse” advice, but I was asked to address the Logos secondary in a “Screwtape” vein, and so here is my effort, such as it is. My dear Globguttle, Your letter reveals a confused state of mind, but I acknowledge that the confusion is perhaps understandable. You …
Content Cluster Muster [01-16-25]
Here They Come: Lotta White There: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Always Good to Plan: Screenshot HT: Samuel Cherubin: Raffaele Fiore Another Podcast Cometh: I have been interviewed before on Biblically Speaking, and they now have a web site that houses their interviews. Check it out. The host is Cassian Bellino, and …
On a WIld Stretch of Coast
“I pray that Your preachers would come down like fire,
Consuming the forests of deadwood and sin.
I pray that Your preachers would come like a storm,
Hitting the people on a wild stretch of coast.
I ask pulpit fervor, I seek pulpit fire—
The Word blazing forth, consuming the people,
The Word marching forth, eager to conquer.”
21 Prayers, p. 128
Has Happened More Than Once
“Liberal can be honest in their unbelief, and conservatives can be dishonest in their profession of faith. You can believe in the resurrection of the dead, and also devour widow’s houses.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 57