One Wonders What He Said: Open Road to Glory: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Just Another Day There: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Yuriy Pryadko And Another Podcast Also: Featured Product: Love Not the Vanishing World:This small book is consists of commentary and notes on the First Epistle of John the Apostle. Unfortunately the …
Ignoring the Pauline Warning
“Now this means that it is not possible to be in sync with the purposes of God in this world without loving the Jewish people. Christians who fall prey to antisemitism are trying to disrupt the grace of God for the whole world. It is counterproductive; it is anti-gospel. Gentiles who start boasting over against Jews are ignoring the plain warnings that Paul left for us. Boast not against the branches. At the same time, as other portions of this book make plain, loving the Jews as God does, for the sake of their fathers, is not the same thing as approving of whatever the Jews might do, or agreeing with Zionism, or agreeing with the present position of the current administration of the Israeli government, whatever it might happen to be. That is not the point. The point is that a peculiar animus against the Jews is out, and to give way to it is to rebel against God’s gospel strategy.”
American Milk and Honey, pp. 144-145
Are You Asleep Too?
“Father and God, why are You so distant?
Why are You so far from delivering us?
Why does the Church continue to languish,
Lulled in our apathy, dead in our sleep?
Are You asleep too? Why hold back Your quickening?
Is it really Your will we continue to languish,
Enfeebled by all of our compromised thinking?” ().
21 Prayers, p. 52
Christian Nationalism, Kash Patel, and the Bhagavad-Gita
Introduction: The Bhagavad-Gita is the most prominent of the Hindu sacred texts, and so it is not at all surprising that Kash Patel put his hand on a copy when he was sworn in as the newest director of the FBI. And I am really grateful that he did this because it gives us an …
Help Us Desire
“Retrieve us all now from the dank and low dungeons
Of our dark desires, of our leprous wants
And usher us into the great marble palaces
Of Your high desires, that thirst that You give us.
In the Word we have read that at Your right hand
Is a river, a torrent, of infinite pleasure;
Help us to want and in wanting want that.
Help us to hunger and thirst for true righteousness.”
21 Prayers, pp. 49-50
In Order That
“The unbelief of Israel brought the Gentiles in, and the belief of the Gentiles is going to bring the Jews back in. Now Paul says that all of this is a prophetic mystery, now revealed, and revealed in order that that Gentiles would not become conceited. Salvation is from the Jews (Jn. 4:22), and always will be.”
American Milk and Honey, pp. 142-143
Letters to Date
Letter to the Editor: You're not the first to put forward the idea that women generally are more easily deceived, but it's never been clear to me how 1 Tim. 2:14, which I accept as ...
Jew-Hate as Disobedience
Paul “did all of this because he was heading off a primitive seed form of antisemitism—believing Gentiles vaunting themselves over against unbelieving Jews. But his command is explicit: ‘Boast not against the branches’ (v. 18). ‘Be not high-minded but fear’ (v. 20). Antisemitism is therefore nothing less than disobedience to an express apostolic command.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 142
Tiny, Proper, and Small
“Father, we want to be more than correct
We want more than ‘tiny, proper, and small.’
Enlarge us, I pray, so that we might begin
To see by faith’s eyes all You have promised.”
21 Prayers, p. 47
The Hatriarchy, the Machismosphere, and Misbehaving Anons
Introduction: In order to be able to conduct an analysis such as this, I must first review my bona fides with regard to my position within the patriarchy. I refer to the one that the feminists ...