Content Cluster Muster [07-18-24]

The More I Learn About that Secret Service Meltdown . . .: 🤪 Yet One More Podcast: Let the Reader Understand: Okay, Pretty Good: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Bitterness Keeps the Memory Sharp: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Jian Wu Featured Product: Intelligent Design Blues:A little fun at Darwin’s expense. Not too much …

The Lady is a Welterweight

“I do not propose that we do what our opponents did when various pronunciamentos were released by various Reformed denominations, denouncing what they thought were the tenets of what they thought was something called the Federal Vision. What that tactic was consisted of announcing that the whole thing was now settled, that all legit Reformed denominations were taking this stand, united in the true gospel, and that the only thing for us troublemakers to do was to shuffle off, suitably abashed. That wasn’t legitimate for them to do then, and it is not legitimate for us to do now. The only lady who has sung to this point is a welterweight.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 805