We feed our children so that they might grow up. God feeds us for the same reason—we are His children, and He is growing us up into maturity. This Table is therefore one of the central instruments to resist one of the great idols of our age—that of calculated immaturity. In fashion, in music, in …
Noogie News
An insightful friend has written to me in order to inquire what happens when the devil gives you a noogie. Does it leave a mark? Well, now, we are starting to get into some of the deeper levels of Reformed theology here, and I am hesitant to say too much all at one time. Suffice …
How About a Law Against Erotic Retardation?
Dear visionaries, Susan objects to a law that requires women to keep a top on but does not require the same thing of men. “A law intended from the outset to be selectively enforced” will clearly in the minds of some lead to tyrannical despotism. Since one of the things we have learned in this …
Foundation of Rest
Our gracious heavenly Father, we thank You for the arrival of yet another Lord’s Day. You are the God of heaven and earth, the God of earth and sea, the God of days and weeks. We honor You as the one who created the entire universe in six literal days, and we honor You as …
Two Cheers for Michael Horton
Also in this most recent copy of Modern Reformation is a section taking on the whole issue of classical Christian education, along with other assorted educational alternatives. The representation of our position is (generally) pretty fair, and their qualified respect for our labors in the field of education was genuinely appreciated. This was all the …
Yelling At My Copy of Modern Reformation
Actually I am not yelling at all. This is merely a poetic conceit, kind of like George Herbert yelling at his pulley. I want to raise a question I have asked before, only in different terms. According to our discussion partners, within the Covenant of Grace does the Covenant of Works have any members? Are …
And Another Thing
Along the same lines as the previous post, the latest Modern Reformation has a short article on “American Tragedy: Jonathan Edwards on Justification.” The article maintains that Edwards was, in significant respects, closer to the Thomists than to the Reformers on the question of justification. I waited for the other shoe to drop — e.g. Edwards …
Yelling At My Windshield, Post Script
Okay. Just one more thing on these audio recordings. Robert Godfrey was asked about the full-throated support that Cornelius Van Til gave to Norman Shepherd during the Westminster East controversy. In his response, Godfrey basically said that during this period Van Til was not as sharp as he used to be, that despite this, he …
A Local Kerfluffle
As some of you all may have heard, last week Christ Church had its property tax exemption removed for Anselm House. Just a couple of comments. I have adopted a personal policy of not answering questions posed to me by the Moscow/Pullman Daily News. This does not apply to other media outlets, and is not …
Yelling At My Windshield, Finis
I am thinking of getting a tattoo. I know, I have argued against it elsewhere, but here’s my thinking. I could have the Shorter Catechism tattooed on my back, and then the guys at Westminster West would have to believe me, right? And maybe I’d get really sick with ink poisoning with a tattoo that …