Our gracious Father and only-wise God, You have made a way for us to approach You through the kind name of Jesus Christ our Lord. We worship You now in and through Him, confident that You will receive our worship because we come to You through Christ the Lord Through Your Son, You are Immanuel, …
Forensic Electrical Theory
Once there was a little toddler who had just learned to turn on the lights. He was very pleased whenever he had an opportunity to do so, and so his parents took to asking him to perform this valuable service whenever possible. One evening, this family had a bachelor over to dinner, and as it …
Partaking in the Covenant
The world is covenantal. This is because the God who Himself is eternally covenanted, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is the Creator of this world. He could not fashion a world in which He was not the God of it, and the heavens declare His glory. In other words, the universe must display the characteristics …
Backs to the Future
In order to look back at the past, we have to (metaphorically) turn our backs on the future. This means, among other things, that the future can sneak up on us. Our study of history can mean that we give way to an optical illusion — we think we are standing on a fixed promontory, …
Contentment at the Foundation
GRACE & PEACE “At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16 11) Growing Dominion, Part 21 A spirit of gratitude and contentment resists all the worldview problems that rush in whenever we are ungrateful and discontent. We are been discussing this in the realm of health care (which makes it close and …
Eventful Doings
I haven’t posted for last several days because I have been at the presbytery meeting for the CRE, which, among other things, changed its name to the CREC (Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches). Presbytery was a time of warm fellowship, and was truly a blessed time. Our worship service last night was a God-honoring time …
Tax Breaks and Education
Dear visionaries, Stan raises the interesting question of “tax breaks.” Note first that allowing an entity to keep its own money is being considered a “gift” from the government. And because it is considered a gift, it is not surprising that the principle that “he who takes the king’s coin becomes the king’s man” comes …
Lost in the Fog, But Making Good Time
Dear visionaries, What in blue blazes are you progressives all progressing to? You cannot by your relativism smash all the compasses and maps, and then cheerfully announce to us all that you are the “north-bound” party. What are you talking about? “Apologetics in the Void” are repostings from an on-going electronic discussion and debate I …
The Inescapable Trinity
Just finished Ralph Smith’s new book called Trinity and Reality. The subtitle says that it is an introduction to the Christian faith, which is quite true. But if I were trying to figure out what shelf to put it on, it would probably land on the “Christian worldview” shelf. And quite a cottage industry along …
Christus Victor/Psalm 22
This psalm contains one of the great Old Testament portrayals of the Gospel. Along with Isaiah 53, we learn here that the death of Christ for the sins of the world was no afterthought. The Lamb of God was indeed slain from before the foundations of the world. “My God, my God, why hast thou …