Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #11

In the original creation of the world God made us perfect with the perfection of nature, which consists in our having everything due to our nature. But over and above what is due to our nature there were later added to the human race certain perfections that were solely owing to divine grace. Among these …

Another Crouton in the Salad of Pluralism

Dear visionaries, Morning, everybody. Time for that morning dose of vitriol! Gary was answered well on the statistical matters by Dale. Our discussion of this whole topic was not precipitated by the discovery that kids were coming into government schools at a “higher rate” than they were “pushing them through the doors of private schools.” …

Gullibility Without Borders

GRACE & PEACE “At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 20 We have noted that within the last generation, we have enjoyed astonishing blessings in the realm of health. The reason for emphasizing this was to point for the fundamental need for gratitude. Whatever the root causes …

Cole Porter, Ethicist

Dear visionaries, Susanna wrote: “Alternative visions like slavery, Doug?” To which I respond: Sure, given relativism, why not? Susanna needs to stop opposing slavery and racism as “her personal preference” (binding on no one) and start opposing it for principled reasons, as I do. Abandon your principled defense of relativism, which cannot be distinguished from …