Jordan and Fesko

Dr. Fesko also takes issue with Jim Jordan on the subject of death and maturity. Before defending Jordan’s point, let me agree with Dr. Fesko’s objection on his use of terms. To use the word death to describe the transformation/glorification/maturation of Adam, had he not sinned, is, in my judgment, prone to do nothing but …

Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #13

“This covenant is variously styled, from one or other of these several elements. Thus, it is called the ‘covenant of works,’ because perfect obedience was its condition, and to distinguish it from the covenant of grace, which rests our salvation on a different basis altogether. It is also called the ‘covenant of life.’ because life …

Christmas 2004

INTRODUCTION: On a number of different occasions, we have considered the importance of having our times and seasons defined in relation to Jesus Christ. The only alternative to this is to have them defined in reference to someone or something else, and this is obviously an unacceptable alternative to all faithful Christians. Jesus Christ really …

Feminist Misogyny

I just recently finished reading Taking Sex Differences Seriously by Steven Rhoads. Certain irritating features of the book have to be discounted, like his ongoing evolutionary assumptions, but in the main the book is a dispassionate and careful look at what everybody in the history of the world has always known, until the feminists of …