Accuracy and Objectivity

The World magazine article was a striking instance of inaccurate reporting. It was inaccurate in two ways, and for two reasons. Mark Twain once said, “Often, the surest way to convey misinformation is to tell the strict truth.” He was exactly right, and this is the fundamental way in which the article conveyed a world …

Me and Steve

The worldmagblog food fight apparently continues, although everyone appears to be almost out of ammo. Steve Wilkins found out about the fracas after it had been going for several days, and sent a statement I will include below to worldmagblog, which they posted under a separate thread. I am posting Steve’s comments here in their …

Son of Can’t Tell the Players

Tim Rigsby was a late-comer to the “slavery conference” controversy here in Moscow, but has tried to do some tub-thumping to help generate opposition to our next history conference (which is not on slavery, just like the last one was not on slavery). Our next history conference is part of the upcoming Trinity Fest in …

Can’t Tell the Players Without a Scorecard

I have referred before to the very odd coalition that has formed in opposition to the various ministries of Christ Church. My calling it a coalition is not just based on the fact that people happen to be opposing the same entity (making them cobelligerents). The coalition, in a number of places, is a functioning …


“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 44 Heavenly things drive earthly things. What we assume about ultimate reality is going to dictate how we behave in day-to-day matters. If we assume that the whole idea of “rewards” is somehow less than spiritual, then we have to …