We serve and worship the God of surprises. Before Christ came, the Jewish people were expecting God to send His Messiah, and He would deliver His people from the Romans, overcome their enemies, and bring in the resurrection. But God is the God of surprises. He did all this, but not in the way expected. …
Different Weights and Measures
Hypocrisy is the application of a double standard in favor of (surprise!) one’s very own self. The Intoleristas in Moscow (and probably in your town as well) are particularly adept at this. They excel in demanding a wooden, clunky, inflexible standard of law for their adversaries, and for themselves, well — that’s what ethical relativism …
Sauce for the Goose
Suppose something showed up at an official government kind of place Monday morning, and it looked something like this: TO: CITY OF MOSCOW ZONING ADMINISTRATOR RE: ZONING COMPLAINT PER MCC 4-11-7 DATE: MAY 16, 2005 COMPLAINT The Moscow Food Co-Op is expressly prohibited from conducting business at its intended location on 5th and Washington in …
Trochaic Ruminations
In the Northwest called Pacific In a town near Moscow Mountain Was a church that riled the natives, A tribe they called Intolerista. This tribe attacked with shrill invective, With keening and progressive yodling, Along with fruit and some dead-catting. Now in God’s kindly providences, Displaying all His sovereign mercies, The names of all these …
So poetry is broken speech, Metaphor shattered. Not broken prose But prose broken- That resurrection power Might be displayed, And like the Word These tiny words Can also then be called and named sons of God. Yet how many men Have been crucified? With broken legs, They suffocate. A pole upright, Half-pound nails And murderous …
The Laws of Thought
I mentioned in the last post that I had co-written a logic text. The following is a draft of something that will be going into the next revision. Here tis: In order to reason well, we have to assume certain things that never show up as particular items in our argument. They are simply (and …
Introduction: Pentecost is not only an important event in the history of the Church, but is also one of the key events in the history of the world. Pentecost celebrates something that has happened to the world, and the Scriptures teach that nothing can be done to reverse this. THE TEXTS: “Then came to him …
Except For Prisms
Been a while since I wrote anything about the Auburn Avenue stuff. So why not? says I. A gentleman named Paul Manata has written a detailed and very fine refutation of Cal Beisner’s claim that the root of the Auburn Avenun teaching was our embrace of Van Til’s apologetic. Manata’s post is called “The Root …
A Godly Customer
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 46 One of the best ways for a merchant, tradesman, or businessman to determine if he is thinking biblically about his enterprise when he is managing it is through reflecting on how he behaves when he is a customer. We …
Sexual Impatience
“All this is serious business, but it should not obscure what is being done. The Christian faith does not say no to a young man’s sexual urges just to be a killjoy. Rather, it is more like a mother telling her son that he cannot have a bag of chips half an hour before dinner. …