Different Weights and Measures

Hypocrisy is the application of a double standard in favor of (surprise!) one’s very own self. The Intoleristas in Moscow (and probably in your town as well) are particularly adept at this. They excel in demanding a wooden, clunky, inflexible standard of law for their adversaries, and for themselves, well — that’s what ethical relativism …

Sauce for the Goose

Suppose something showed up at an official government kind of place Monday morning, and it looked something like this: TO: CITY OF MOSCOW ZONING ADMINISTRATOR RE: ZONING COMPLAINT PER MCC 4-11-7 DATE: MAY 16, 2005 COMPLAINT The Moscow Food Co-Op is expressly prohibited from conducting business at its intended location on 5th and Washington in …

Trochaic Ruminations

In the Northwest called Pacific In a town near Moscow Mountain Was a church that riled the natives, A tribe they called Intolerista. This tribe attacked with shrill invective, With keening and progressive yodling, Along with fruit and some dead-catting. Now in God’s kindly providences, Displaying all His sovereign mercies, The names of all these …

A Godly Customer

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 46 One of the best ways for a merchant, tradesman, or businessman to determine if he is thinking biblically about his enterprise when he is managing it is through reflecting on how he behaves when he is a customer. We …