Naming the Intoleristas

My wife is a lovely Puritan, and a great advocate of lifting God’s Word back to Him as we continue to deal with the goose-stepping forces for tolerance and storm troopers of enforced diversity. She was reading in Isaiah yesterday, and noted a few phrases that delighted us. About idolaters, Isaiah said, “They are their …

When Push Comes to Shove

At the end of April I appeared before the Latah County Commissioners to register my concerns about the discriminatory harassment that is being directed at our ministries. The tax-exemption complaints that have been filed against Anselm House, New St. Andrews, Logos School, and Community Christian ministries were complaints that, if consistently applied to others in …

Lower Half of the Class

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 48 My father-in-law likes to joke that fifty percent of all doctors graduated in the lower half of their class at med school. And if there were a school that all businessmen and retail merchants had to graduate from, then …

The Worst Kind of Puritans

Yesterday Nathan Wilson and Aaron Rench released another press release on the zoning mess in Moscow. As a public-spirited citizen, I am happy to post that press release here. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 23, 2005 The Future of the Zoning Complaint Industry in Moscow Public Statement from Aaron Rench and Nathan Wilson We have filed …

Cookie Cutter Diversity

Radical application of the Scriptures does not consist of taking one set of verses and applying them like crazy, while leaving another set of verses entirely neglected . It can look radical, but that is because we tend to associate the words extreme and radical. Jesus said that if your hand causes you to sin, …