We are gathered here this morning so that God might govern us, and so that the Lord Jesus Christ might demonstrate His rule among us. There are many ways that this is shown in the service of worship, but one of the central ones is seen in the way we listen to the Word of …
True Self-Awareness
If we would judge ourselves, St. Paul tells us, we would not be judged. When we look away from ourselves, to the mirror of God’s Word, and to the image of God imprinted on our brothers and sisters around us, we are brought to a true knowledge of ourselves. We cannot come to a true …
Day of Deliverance
Our Lord and God, we call upon Your name in celebration, as we recall how You bared Your right arm on behalf of our fathers. We are children of liberty because of their gifts to us, and we pray that we would be faithful to the inheritance they have left for us. This is Reformation …
Their Little Charade Parade
If the intolerista case against Trinity Fest (and other of our doings in Moscow) were a used sofa, there would be about seven springs poking up out of it. A number of them are in a dither because they have culled from some of my posted comments references to “battle” and whatnot, revealing thereby that …
How Much More
The New Covenant is not a covenant that altered the fundamental nature of covenants. Throughout the Old Testament, covenants always had attendant blessings and curses. Some have wanted to imagine that the New Covenant was a covenant of automatic blessings, and that by its very nature, curses were impossible. But St. Paul tells us here …
Lord of the Fingertips
Your worldview is not what you think — that is, in another sense, your worldview is not limited to what you are thinking. Your worldview comes out your fingertips, and expresses itself, incarnationally, in what you are doing. In making a salad, spanking a child, caressing your wife, or holding a communion cup, you are …
The Olivet Discourse
The words of Christ in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew have caused far more consternation and confusion than they really should have. The key, as before, is to look at how the passages quoted from the Old Testament are used in the New Testament, and then at how the events of the first century actually …
Black and Tan Is Now Here
About halfway down this page on the right side, you can see the cover of the just released Black & Tan. That book is now available and the good folks at Canon Press are standing by to take your order (1-800-488-2034). Or, if you prefer, click on the picture here and order it on-line. There …
America the Christian
We have had some local kibbitzing about our upcoming history lectures at Trinity Fest, and our so-called “revisionism.” Critics of the thesis that America was an explicitly Christian nation in its establishment and founding often point to the first Treaty of Tripoli (1797), which concluded hostilities with the Barbary Pirates. In the course of that …
“A man who is the head of his wife is preaching all day about Christ and the Church — his obedience or disobedience will determine whether his preaching is full of lies or not, but the very nature of his relation to his wife means that he is preaching, like it or not” (Federal Husband, …