Prejudice Is A Two-Way Street

I submitted the piece below to the Daily News as a response to a Town Crier column that ran last night. In his Town Crier piece last Wednesday, Clifton Anderson granted that “in America, Wilson has the right to his own opinions, of course.” And precisely because this is an op-ed page in America, I …

Bad Science and Bad Manners

While rescue efforts in New Orleans are still ongoing, various liberals are starting to emerge with “gotcha!” observations on the source of the disaster — global warming, the U.S. backing out of the Kyoto treaty, and so on. Even if they had a point (instead of being dramatically wrong), they ought to have a better …

The Experience of Obeying

Worship is not to be thought of primarily as an experience, after which we can say that we felt worshipful. Rather, worship is an act, after which we can say, or not, that we were obedient. When experience is sought after in worship, we destroy the very thing we mistakenly exalt. When obedience is rendered …

Execution of Homosexuals?

I recently received a letter from a lady on the other side of Moscow’s own little version of the national cultural divide. We had been scheduled to meet, and she was writing to cancel that meeting. According to the letter, the thing that concerned her was something that had to be addressed (by me) before …