Visionaries, Two comments, if you all have moment. I separated “y’all” into “you all” as a concession to others on a sensitive topic. First, I agree completely with Roger’s exposure of the hypocrisy that pervades this kind of issue. A color-blind society should mean one of two things: either nobody gets to do it, or …
Do Communion? Or Have Communion?
As we come to the table, we are charged to flee from idolatry. We do this in two ways. The first is that we leave all pagan idols behind. Whether these idols are actual gods made of wood or stone, or are idols of the heart and mind does not matter. We leave them behind …
Imitative Loving
“This means that our theology of Christ’s love will be determinative of how a Christian wife is loved. How a man understands ultimate covenant loving will settle how he sets about covenantal loving. How he understands the thing to be imitated will determine how and what he imitates” (Federal Husband, p. 10).
Old Testament Law
Visionaries, Just back from Houston, and had a time wading through the accumulated email. Just a few general comments, and then a few specific answers to the questions put to me by Steve. First, in response to some general laments, I would be happy to agree to a cease fire (in this forum) on this …
Thy Kingdom Come
Many Christians want to avoid millennial wrangles, and in an important sense, they are quite right. It makes little sense to fight with one another about when the divine peace will come. But other Christians want to avoid debate on the subject because they believe it to be trivial or unimportant. “After all, is not …
Nuanced and Complex
Visionaries, Rachelle wrote in to say that “history, like any academic discipline, is nuanced and complex.” Judging from the local response to the first hint of nuance or complexity, you could have fooled me. She goes on to say that “ownership of another human being, regardless of the quality of living conditions provided, is loathsome …
Margaret Sanger’s Racism
Visionaries, Margaret Sanger argued for the elimination of human weeds, “for the cessation of charity, for the segregation of morons, misfits, and maladjusted,” and for the sterilization of “genetically inferior races.” From The Pivot of Civilization by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. “This following is a very important point to emphasize. Like abolitionism, all …
Bob’s Sunshine Bank
“Among the many words which our century has trashed (words like awesome and gay), this word federal most certainly heads the list. The word makes us think of big, centralized things, things that make a collectivist’s heart feel warm and cozy. We slap the word on institutions so little old ladies will deposit their money …
More on Timeless Truth.
It appears to me that N.T. Wright has a peculiar phobia about timeless truths. Here is Wright again: “God wanted to judge Ahab and so save Israel. And so God delegated his authority to the prophet Micaiah who, inspired by the Spirit, stood humbly in the council of God and then stood boldly in the …
Marriage as Manifest Glory XXVI
INTRODUCTION: One of the hardest lessons for an egalitarian age to learn is the necessary lesson of honor. But this honor must not be carnal—we are called to render honor as understood in a biblical and Christian way. This directly affects how husbands and wives are to grow old together. THE TEXTS: “Thou shalt rise …