Like Grass on the Roof

Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! Lord God of Israel, Many times they have tormented me, From my youth they have tormented me. Let Israel say the same thing, Let Israel confess: Many times from my youth they have afflicted me, But they have not prevailed. With their …

The Marks of a Pharisee

The Pharisees are the principal bad guys in the New Testament, and they are caricatured as such by the Lord Jesus Himself. But we frequently miss the spiritual lessons involved because we don’t understand polemical satire and caricature. We look at the portrait Jesus draws and we take it with a wooden literalism, and we …

Pharisaical Caricature

I am currently reading a fine book on the Pharisees. The author, Tom Hovestol, is doing a really good job describing the Pharisees as they actually were, where they came from, what their goals were, and how much they resemble modern evangelicals. Although the book is coming from an unexpected quarter (Moody Press), it is …

Abstractions are Bad

Abstractions don’t exist, if by existence you mean having a certain weight or color. Neither do propositions, if by existence you mean material embodiment. And of course, by such criteria, God the Father doesn’t exist either. But of course, abstractions still function just fine, provided the people using them are grounded in an incarnational and …

Creme de la Creme

A few days ago, a comment on one of my posts noted that Southern Slavery As It Was had been dropped from the banned and/or challenged list of the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression. Today when I had a moment, I went to check, and, sure enough, there our booklet wasn’t. In other words, …