This is the first Lord’s Day of Advent, the year of our Lord, 2005. This is the beginning of the church year, marking annually, as we do, the beginning of our salvation in the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary. We are marking our days, building up to one …
Now Wash Up First
When we assemble at this Table we are doing more than simply gathering to be nourished—although that is right at the center of what we do. We also are showing the world where we gather to be nourished. When a bunch of kids are playing in the neighborhood on a summer afternoon, imagine five or …
Andrew and Me
In his response to my response, Andrew Sandlin made a few comments that I need to address fairly quickly. For the rest I am happy to wait for his book on postmodernity. Andrew says the following, which is intially quite heartening. “In my own case, for benefit of friend and foe alike, let me state …
More on Saloon Brawling
Of course, one of the qualifications for an elder, according to the apostle Paul, is that he not be a “striker” or “brawler.” So for those who are a bit squeamish about taverns to begin with, let alone preachers fighting in them, whether metaphorical or not, let me change the image while retaining all the …
Brain Snakes
The New Testament talks a lot about the truth, knowing the truth, holding to the truth, believing the truth. The assumption throughout is that there is a correspondence between what the faithful believer holds to be the case, and what actually is the case. This is in contrast to those who hold to delusions, in …
Commodify the Revolution
One of the things I will be doing in this Devil in a Blue Dress thread will be to assemble quotations from a stack of books I have read on the matters surrounding pop culture. I thought I would share them with you as I gather them, although with minimal comment. The comment will come …
Nicer Than God
“Before we can answer this question rightly, we have to ask it rightly. This is one of those situations where even to ask the question–“How do we tell the right time for satire and the right time for tenderness?”–answers those who want to say that there is never a time for polemical speech. But of …
Several Boxes
Thanksgivng, year of our Lord 2005 I live in part of the country that has four seasons, and we have now entered into the foggy and rainy portion. What a glorious thing fog is! We are fast approaching the time when this fog will freeze to the trees, and we will have our hoarfrost, and …
Too Generous
Those who don’t see the problem coming are not usually prevailed upon to see the problem even after it has arrived. Those who do not see the problems with the emerging church will usually defend the problems even after they emerged. A “generous orthodoxy” ought not to mean giving that orthodoxy away. But here is …
Lord of the Beans
I have sometimes lamented our contemporary loss of any sense of antiquity, grandeur, or nobility. I have argued that the trivialization of Bible stories in things like Veggie Tales represents a far greater tone deafness to the story as God told it than any gain it represents in knowledge of broad plot outlines, or in …