Farley’s Ghost

Visionaries, Dan asked what students at NSA and Logos learn about the scientific method. In response to that question, one of the first things they might learn is that the phrases “the real world” and “the material world” are not interchangeable. Embedded in Dan’s question is the clear assumption that the Enlightenment project has its …

Flooding the World Again

As Scripture instructs, we must be adults in our understanding. But we must also cultivate what Luke records in the books of Acts when he says that the early Christians ate their bread with gladness and simplicity of heart. We may be refreshed with both maturity and simplicity when we come to understand the water …

Lambs and Geese, Foxes and Wolves

Also in this morning’s paper was an editorial response of mine to the column of Rose Huskey and Saundra Lund last Saturday. Here it is: If I might, I would like to briefly respond to Rose Huskey and Saundra Lund, who served up a veritable casserole of charges to your readers on Saturday last. This …

Someone Is Keeping Their Attorney in the Dark

This morning in the Daily News, they ran an extended front page story on the Moscow “culture skirmishes,” an article that I thought was really even-handed. That said, there is one detail that I need to correct from the article, which is really only a detail. The article said of me that he “is pretty …