All That We Need

“The sufficiency of Scripture also excludes the idea that there is any continuing revelation from the Holy Spirit given to the modern church — whether that revelation purports to come from charismatic ‘prophets,’ the holy-ghost-uh inspiring an utterance from the pastor’s wife, an impressive succession of bishops and popes, or from inner leadings, leanings, impressions, …

No, No. The Good Kind of Lynching.

Scott Clark has called the treatment that Steve Wilkins is getting an ecclesiastical lynching. But before you start scratching your head over this puzzlement, he does say this like its a good thing. HT. Mark Horne Land of Goshen! if I may exclaim here with more than my usual vehemence. Or looking at it from …

A Local Deal

The Moscow School Board voted yesterday to hold an election in March to increase their supplemental levy by $1.97 million. Now there are a number of questions that normally swirl around levy issues. (Is the money used wisely? Why is MSD more expensive than other districts? Voters who pursue other education options being less inclined …