By the Act of Posing Itself

“You don’t identify the poseur by which pose he is copping, but rather by the participle, by the act of posing itself. A poseur can be smiling or glowering for any number of cameras. He might be a New Testament scholar, a gym rat, a hipster, a poet, or a smooth ladies’ man. He might be any number of things. We do not identify him by the costume he is wearing, but rather by the fact that he always has one eye on the lookout for a camera or a mirror.”

Chestertonian Calvinism, pp. 64-65

“My Kingdom is Not of This World,” Which Is Why We Were Instructed to Pray for it to Come

I owe John Piper more than I can possibly express, and so it is most necessary for me to preface any disagreement with him in terms of highest respect. And that is what I do here, right at the top, lest anyone miss it. § This is an odd kind of disagreement, because I actually …