“In short, Calvinists know that there is nothing to boast of in man, but some fall into the trap of boasting in that knowledge. They take pride in knowing that there is nothing to take pride in.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 84
“In short, Calvinists know that there is nothing to boast of in man, but some fall into the trap of boasting in that knowledge. They take pride in knowing that there is nothing to take pride in.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 84
“For the Reformers, faith was a gift from God, and when God gives faith, He does not give anything other than a living, obedient faith. Being the kind of God He is, this living faith is the only kind of faith He can give.”
“Many of our staunch Reformed brethren are actually anabaptists in Puritan face paint.”
Getting a Good View of the Mountain: As per the usual custom, more here. Hope You Had a Great Fourth: Coming Down Off the Fourth: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: But Still Worth a Try: Featured Product: Westminster in Verse:This offering is submitted an part of my efforts to find the ultimate …
“Requiring people to affirm justification by faith alone in order to get saved is like requiring a two-year-old to get a degree in electrical engineering before he is allowed to turn on the lights. Allowing men to be ordained who cannot explain justification by faith alone from the Scriptures . . . is like letting your two-year-old install your electrical system.”
“Now if Rome were correct, and we could sin our way out of the grace of God, then the papists are in real trouble. They pray to pictures, man.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 82
Introduction: For those who know the back story, it is kind of odd that you can go to our nation’s capital, and there visit both the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial. After all, the two men were political adversaries, on opposite sides of the aisle, and this was before that center aisle was even …
For some reason, known best to himself, Darryl Hart last week told the readers of The Wall Street Journal that I didn't much care for the Fourth of July. He included Stephen Wolfe in this drive-by ...
Letter to the Editor: It's a minor point, but in several places, especially in sub-headings, you say "Prophesy" when you mean "Prophecy." Prophesy is a verb. Prophecy is the noun. ...
“In this view [Roman Catholicism], the grace of God is contained in a vast reservoir, and there are seven gold-plated spigots from which that grace is dispensed, and these spigots are manned by ordained priests. Not to be fair, this is structurally identical to how much of pop evangelicalism operates—only they dispense the grace through undecorated tin buckets and green garden hoses—meaning altar calls, signing cards, throwing pine cones in the fire at youth camp, re-dedications, and all the rest of it. The semi-Pelagianism of Rome is more than matched by the semi-Pelagianism of a Billy Graham crusade.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 78