We Are Represented Well

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“We have thieves in Congress and in the White House because we have thievery in our hearts . . . we have larceny in our hearts, wanting to pay off 2012 debts with 2022 money . . . we do it because there is larceny in our little piggy hearts” (Rules for Reformers, p. 172).

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Keith LaMothe
Keith LaMothe
8 years ago

> “we do it because there is larceny in our little piggy hearts”

Amen. Nor is this recent, or peripheral. The United States is built on covetousness.

Even when it was “these” United States, the groundwork was already laid. Even before then.

“Faithfulness begat prosperity, and the daughter devoured the mother.”

And it has gone on devouring, and devouring, and devouring whatever it can. And it is devouring itself.