And Medals Struck

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A quick election take, if I may.

First, the best news of the evening was that the voters of Maine rejected homosexual marriage. This brings the total to 31 states that have done so, albeit with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Whenever homosexual marriage is put up for a popular vote, down it goes, no exceptions thus far. It was thought that Maine, a blue New England state, might break that pattern, but thanks should be offered up to God that it did not. Te Deums should be sung in the cathedrals, and medals struck.

The Democratic loss of the governors’ chairs in New Jersey and Virginia was also a happy business — and not because I know anything in particular about the two gentlemen elected. Christie is probably the kind of Republican who could get elected in New Jersey, and I do not intend this as an item of praise. The thanks I offer to God with regard to these two elections has to do with what this all means for the future of that PelosiCare monstrosity. It means that my grandchildren will perhaps not be buried under more trillions of debt, with an attempt to offset that insult with lousy dental care and long waiting lines at the hospital.

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