The Exit May Be Behind You

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The Puritan William Bridge once said that whenever Satan builds a temptation, God is sure to build a door in the side of it. This is a great and wonderful truth, but we must not be simplistic in our attempts to grasp it.

As the flight attendants always remind us, in case of an emergency landing, remember that the exit may be behind you.

The way of escape, in other words, may not be immediately obvious. The strength you are receiving here, now, may be the deliverance from a temptation that is coming two days from now. The word you store up in your heart today may be the word that comes back unbidden at just the right time. The brother you encourage today may be the brother who encourages you just days from now. The exit may be behind you.

We are at a Table of rejoicing and thanksgiving, which means that our posture is fundamentally that of those who have already gone through the door of escape. We have been delivered, we are saved, we are forgiven—and so we rejoice. At the same time, we are still in the days of our pilgrimage, and God summons us to go through little doors of deliverance, lesser doors of escape, so that our entire lives might be a testimony to what God has done for us, what He is doing for us, and what He will do for you.

So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

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