“The most important property of style is perspicuity. Style is excellent when, like the atmosphere, it shows the thought, but itself is not seen” (Broadus, Preparation and Delivery, p. 339).
Mmmm, yeah, mostly–but I like Eddison’s “The Worm Ouroboros” anyway. So did C. S. Lewis. And consider Lewis’s remarks somewhere on the difficulty of doing an angelic counterpart to Screwtape because it would require an angelic style, the style being part of what is said.
Mmmm, yeah, mostly–but I like Eddison’s “The Worm Ouroboros” anyway. So did C. S. Lewis. And consider Lewis’s remarks somewhere on the difficulty of doing an angelic counterpart to Screwtape because it would require an angelic style, the style being part of what is said.