With a Light Sprinkling of Ceremonies

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Book 3/Chapter 4

Penance (section 1)

1. What are the three elements of repentance, according to the Scholastics?

2. And according to Calvin, how do they heal all the bitterness?

Not a small thing (section 2)

1. Why does Calvin say that this is not a dispute “over the shadow of an ass?”

Desperation (section 3)

1. When someone follows the Scholastics in this, what are the two possible responses?

The ten lepers (section 4)

1. How does Calvin respond to the Scholastics’ allegorical argument from the ten lepers?

2. And how does Calvin explain why Christ sent the lepers to the priests?

These are the questions for the readings for Thursday, May 28, and those readings can be found here.

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