When the Majesty is Brought

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Book I/Chapter 8

Superior Wisdom (section 1)

1. Does human reason go the “whole distance” in giving us evidence that the Scriptures are God’s word?

2. Does this it proves nothing?

3. What is necessary before these secondary proofs are worth anything?

4. In the first line what does “this certainty” refer to?

5. There are three secondary helps listed, which are inadequate in themselves. What are they?

6. With the Spirit’s work done, what role do they assume?

7. What is Calvin’s first secondary argument?

Not Style (section 2)

1. What is his second argument?

2. Does the Holy Spirit reject all rusticity?

3. Does He reject all eloquence?

4. What brings the majesty?

High Antiquity (section 3)

1. What is his third argument?

2. Ancient compared to what?

Truthfulness (section 4)

1. What is his fourth argument?

2. What are his examples?

3. What are some others?

These questions are for the readings on January 21, 2009, day 21, and the readings can be found here.

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