Book 4/Chapter 14
Heavier condemnation (section 7)
1. When the wicked come to the sacraments, does this mean those sacraments are not testimonies of God’s grace?2. If the wicked could undo God’s grace this way, what effect would this have elsewhere?
3. How does Paul speak of the sacraments when addressing believers?
4. How does he speak of them when unbelievers are in view?
Confirmation through the sacraments (section 8)
1. What are we if we grow old without advancement?
2. What three essential things does God do for us?
Sacraments the Spirit’s tools (section 9)
1. Do the sacraments work by themselves?
2. When do sacraments fulfill their office?
3. Where does the power rest, and where does the ministry lie?
Preparation and confirmation (section 10)
1. What work does the Spirit do to prepare us for the sacraments?
2. What work does He perform to make it efficacious to our souls?
These are the questions for the readings for Saturday, October 31, and those readings can be found here.