Special Graces for the Unregenerate

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Book 2/Chapter 3

All is flesh (section 1)

1. Is all of man’s nature fleshly?

2. What is the only way to obtain anything of spiritual value from the Spirit?

3. Whatever we have from nature is what?

A witness to corruption (section 2)

1. What passage does Paul turn to in order to throw down the arrogance of mankind?

2. Is this passage limited to some men?

3. What are the two reasons men are this way?

Limited grace (section 3)

1. Does Calvin agree that some unbelievers have some nobility in their nature?

2. How does Calvin account for this?

God’s gift of virtue (section 4)

1. Does Calvin agree that we must make “Camillus equal to Cataline”?

2. Which way does Calvin take it?

3. How?

4. Do these virtues put these men in a right standing with God?

These are the questions for the readings for Wednesday, March 11, and those readings can be found here.

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