Scott Clark Gearing Up to Unchurch Everybody

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Before the final round of bets, Scott Clark is pushing all his chips out into the middle of the table. He has recently gone over the notae of the church, which in itself is not a problem for anyone following the Reformed understanding of the Church. So, okay so far. But then, as one commenter on his blog notes, he is applying these standards so tightly that he is excluding from the Church people that he himself is associated with in the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. His tight definition does enable him to say that the CREC is not a true Belgic church (sniff), but apparently unbeknownst to him, it also requires him to unchurch vast acres of the contemporary Reformed and evangelical world.

In particular, if Steve Wilkins is upheld by the Louisiana Presbytery later this month, and if the Standing Judicial Commission realizes that they ought not discipline an orthodox minister in good standing (without charges and without appeal), then Scott Clark will be seen standing in the corner, paint can and brush in hand. The professor of systematics at Westminster West will have unchurched the PCA. And he will have done this while believing that the CREC is sectarian! But sectarian is as sectarian does.

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